by Grace Dorsey October 24, 2007
by Razukin December 1, 2002
The inverse of the very popular and entertaining Shocker. e.g. 2 in the stink, 1 in the pink; two in the ass one in the grass; two in the butt one in the slut; two in the boot, one in the koot; goin to town with two in the brown, etc.
by Joe Rectifier June 18, 2003
by wiretapper October 24, 2016
by voluptuous August 12, 2008
This baseball bat is bent. Here help me rectify it. MMMmm, ohhhhhhh, unggggggg. Oh yeah. That's better.
by 1badparatrooper August 13, 2019
To convert alternating current to direct current by means of a semiconductive material or a vacuum tube.
by BlastMaster May 19, 2003