
Branch of Christianity. Protestants believe that Jesus is the head of the Church. They reject Papal authority and the percieved excesses of the Catholic church.
Protestants are also remarkably unpopular amongst a great deal of people due to the actions of a small number of them. But in the most part they are simply Christians who wish to worship without a central authority, without a buffer between man and God and without the ritualism of other branches of the faith.
Jack became a Protestant after attending a Church sermon.

There are tensions in Ireland between Catholic and Protestant groups.

Graham dislikes Protestants because he is an Athesist.
by Tyburn December 7, 2007
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A part of Christianity that separated from the Catholic church in the 1600's.It was founded by Martin Luther, but then different sects broke off. Henry VIII did not start the Episcopalian Church,he started the Anglican church of which the Episcopalian church is a part. As we all hopefully realize, people are not perfect, so you can't hate a religion because someone was mean to you and they happened to be protestant of Christian. Protestants try not to identify themselves a sect, and are trying to follow Christ. They thing that it is more important that you are a Christian and know Jesus than what denomination you happen to be part of. We do not hate Catholics, Jews, or Gays. We try to love all people, whether or not we agree with them. Protestants usually do not agree with the gay lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that we hate them. Basically, try not to judge someone or something, such as protestantism, before you know about it.
by Clarifying things April 22, 2007
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I am not a Christian myself, but I see that some of you are mistaking Protestants for being highnosed killjoys or whatever (maybe some of them are, but...). The truth is, being a protestant does not mean you're being a goodie-little-two-shoes. The difference between Catholics and Protestants is that Protestants aren't as 'faithful'. For example, they reject Papal authority. They also have priestesses and allow priests to marriage.

Basically the whole Protestant concept is that all you need to do is believe in and be faithful to god. It is then that your sins will be forgiven. Back in the 16th century, the Church sold indulgences, claiming that if you bought them, god will forgive you. Luther didn't think this was right. He thought that the Church was manipulating the people so that they could raise money for the St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome! And so he protested against the church authorities, claiming that you didn't need these indulgences. Nor did you have to attend regular masses, do pilgrimage or worship holy relics. "In a way everyone is their own temple." was his quote.
Luther's argument caused an uproar in society. The people were already sick of paying the church taxes, so they too revolted. The Reformation followed, although originally, Martin Luther never intended a revolution...

As I have learned from Urban Dictionary, the conflict between Catholics and Protestants still goes on to this very day. I hope this has opened some of your eyes and that in near future there will finally be peace between Catholics and Protestants.

If you don't think I am right about this, just google Martin Luther or next time, pay attention in history.

PS: I do understand that there are some Protestants that do wrong against Jews/Gays or anyone who is different. I find this extremely disturbing; it is not right. But then there are also catholic people like that. You find them everywhere, me.
Protestant: You Christians suck I hate you! Kill all the gays blablabla

TRUE Protestant: I believe in god, I rawk ;D
by wootz April 30, 2006
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A Christian belonging to a Christian Church that is not Catholic or Orthodox. The main beleifs of Protestants is the same as other Christians. The details and practices are where the main diferences are. They don't usually practice the Eucharist at every service. They don't generally emulate all or any saints and Mary. Female and married priest are allowed. This brach of Christianity stems mainly from reformists like Martin Luther who had issues with the faults of the Catholic Church at his time.
The average Protestant is a good Christian and person overall. There is a few radicals who portray a negative stereotype. This image is the Homophobic, racist bigot who hates eveyone not like him. Many organzations like the KKK and other white supremisist groups have used the protestant religeon to spew their anit- jew, minority, catholic hatred to innocent people.
by northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007
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Any christian religion that is not Catholic. They decided to create their own religion whenever they disagree instead of fixing the problem. They often put their country before God. They will be the downfall to the U.S. Despite popular belief of protestants staying with abstinence, they are more likely to loose their virginity before marriage. Often republican, even though republican beliefs are often against the 10 commandments. While democrats want to help people, protestants are more concerned with helping themselves, and can be more selective than other religions. They are often known for hating Catholics, gays, Jews, Hispanics, and other races than their own.
Sister Catherine was asking all the Catholic school children in fourth grade what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Sheila said, "When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute!"

Sister Catherine's eyes grow wide and she barked, "What did you say?!"

"A prostitute!" Sheila exclaimed.

Sister Catherine breathed a sigh of relief and said "Whew! Thank God! I thought you said 'A Protestant'!"
by crossburnedinyardbyprotestants September 1, 2009
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n. a person who protests any injustice, usually with a high degree of enthusiasm or zealotry. Originally applied only to people protesting the constraints of the Roman Catholic Church it is now, in a kind of protest, applicable to other causes. The word "protestation" has , of course, never been constrained.
Look at all those protestants occupying Wall Street! Where are the authorities?

I think their lack of intervention means they're protestants too.
by gnostic1 October 29, 2011
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A religon. Everyone has their own beleifs so to all the people who put bad and mean definitions for protestants they need to shut-up. Protestant follow practically the same rules as catholics.
I am a Protestant. I believe that Jesus is our savour and the son of God and that God is real.
by Vaniece June 30, 2006
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