34 definitions by northendwhitetrash


a really wet fart. It's like a power fart were you shit yourself a little bit.
"oh man, I just boofed really bad"

"boof, aw man, change your boxers if it's that bad."
by northendwhitetrash March 24, 2007
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short bus

the primary mode of transportation for the "special". basically a regular bus, but shorter.
the shorter the bus, the more "special" the riders.
some regular riders can identify their short bus by its smell
by northendwhitetrash November 25, 2007
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Also called neo-con, this political philosophy is a combination of liberal and traditional conservative views.

On domestic issues, Neocons say they are for limited government, free market solutions and things like that. However, when non-interventionist tactics do not yield the result they want, they have no qualms about using government power to garner the desired result.

For foreign policy issues, they tend to refrain from using diplomacy. Neocons tend to participate in nation-building in the attempt to set up desired governments in other countries. They claim to support liberal democracies and human rights abroad but generally are more than willing to abandon this goal if it won't create the desired effect. Neocons usually want to use massive military force to solve most international issues despite the fact that very few of them have ever served.

Neocons see the world in binary, good vs evil and us vs them, terms. They are generally upper middle and upper class white people with college educations (ie the stereotypical WASP) but there is also a strong neocon segment among poor whites with little education (ie the stereotypical redneck). Tending to be socially conservative, they often belong to evangelical Protestant Christian churches and claim to have strong moral values. They love the status-quo.
Neoconservative people primarily belong to conservative groups and parties such as the GOP and NRA. This leads to power struggles in these groups as tradition conservatives, paleoconservative and conservative libertarians (all sharing similar values) fight the neocons for control and to be the face of the group.

The most famous neocon is George W Bush
by northendwhitetrash November 28, 2009
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A really great country that is constantly stereotyped and insulted by Europeans and some of our own citizens(1st amendment). That's okay, because the second a European nation is atacked, we'll go help them out so they can retain the right to insult us.
Most stereotypes about the USA are highly exagerated or just not true. people who complain about the USA often are complaining about the idiotic, fat, backwards minority. Most of dislike isbecasue people have a tendancy to insult the world power at that time out of jelousy. It doesn't matter what those idiots say because we're the country in the world right now, no matter what they say.
by northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007
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According to Christianity, God's son and the saviour of the world who will come again to judge the living and the dead (CORRECT). According to the Jews, a heretic who comited blasphmy (some Jews and Muslims see him as a major profit). Acording to athiest, some guy (WRONG). According to evangelicals, a way to guilt impresionable idiots into giving them money.
Even if you don't think Jesus is God's son and all, at least accept that he was a pretty cool guy with good ideas on how to live.
by northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007
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american flag

A rectangular flag that represents the United States and all of its ideals and values. It is composed of a blue square with 50 (or however many states there are at the time of the flag's production) white stars in the uper lefthand corner. The rest of the flag is 13 alternating red and white stripes. Legend has it that the seamstress Betsy Ross created the first American flag.

Treatment of the flag is dictated by the Flag Code. Breaking of the flag code is not punishable (protected by the 1st Amendment).
The American flag is often scrutinized for various reasons and desecrated. The people responsible fail to realize that it is not the flag that is so importnat, it is what the flag represents. The flag is held in such esteem because some feel that their respect of the flag is a good way to show their respect for the Nation and our ideals.

TO ALL THE FLAG BURNERS ETC: The flag that you desecrate, insult, burn and defile stands for the same values that protect your right to do so(1st Amendment). Without that right (in a dictatorship) you could be executed for said actions.
by northendwhitetrash July 3, 2007
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A Christian belonging to a Christian Church that is not Catholic or Orthodox. The main beleifs of Protestants is the same as other Christians. The details and practices are where the main diferences are. They don't usually practice the Eucharist at every service. They don't generally emulate all or any saints and Mary. Female and married priest are allowed. This brach of Christianity stems mainly from reformists like Martin Luther who had issues with the faults of the Catholic Church at his time.
The average Protestant is a good Christian and person overall. There is a few radicals who portray a negative stereotype. This image is the Homophobic, racist bigot who hates eveyone not like him. Many organzations like the KKK and other white supremisist groups have used the protestant religeon to spew their anit- jew, minority, catholic hatred to innocent people.
by northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007
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