A phrase to describe a lot of something.
"Wow, there's a cubic fuckton of people here!"
by Spyke March 26, 2004
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A metric fuckton is a unit of measurement so extravagantly big it needed its own name. Origins start as the metric fuckton being 420grams(cubed) or 74088000 grams. Nowadays the term is used to just describe a large amount of something.
Guy 1: How much grass you got?
Guy 2: A metric fuckton; I’ll hook you up.

Teacher: What is a metric fuckton?
Student: 420cubed=74088000 Grams.
Teacher: Very good Jamal.
by xxxGuanGang300xxx October 18, 2017
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The exact amount of something it takes to choke a sperm whale. This is of course a poor measurement, as a sperm whale is enough to choke a sperm whale.
And then he gave me a metric fuckton of paperwork man!
by maccers247 November 15, 2010
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An extremely large amount of something (usually sexual) that needs its own unit of measure.
Harold:" How many black guys have you banged Marcia?"
Marcia: " A Geometric Fuckton."
by DatBoiR3MY June 12, 2017
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One metric fuckton is exactly 10x more than a fuckload. This unit of measurement is the highest, and should be scarcely used in daily conversation unless truly warranted.
The population of China is exactly one metric fuckload.
by Max Reasons August 28, 2004
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A standard unit of measurement for amount. One metric fuckton is equal to 25 shitloads, a shitload is equal to 25 assloads, and an assload is equal to 50 of anything. By this logic, a shitload is 1250 of anything, and a metric fuckton is 31250 of anything.
Guy A: I had a metric fuckton of homework to do last night.
Guy B: I only have a shitload to do, and I thought I had a lot...
by Phazerrr April 29, 2023
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Equivalent to 2,205 fuckpounds, as compared to the standard fuckton (which is 2,000), a fuckpound being a single thrust. Someone on the receiving end is said to have been 'metrically fucked'.
Well, John, I'd say you've given her a Metric Fuckton.
by Janus169917 October 22, 2008
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