Stereotype of Lesbian or Bi women who move quickly in the relationship emotionally or sexually and move in together.
by muziqlovr February 12, 2019
by J5xoxoxo August 12, 2019
A term used when two lesbians fall in love immediately and move in together right away, often moving across states/countries to do so. It usually ends in disaster. A Uhaul is often used in the process of moving in, and then out, and often in with someone else. The "love" is usually based on superficial/shallow ideals instead of being a real relationship.
"Jane and Mary are already having problems. They only knew each other 3 months before they uhauled."
by Maxinedaphene October 1, 2013
A stereotype of a lesbian that uses a trailer with all of her belongings in it to move with when she has found her next thing (girlfriend/relationship/situation). U-Haul lesbians are quick to jump into relationships in an unhealthy manner. This usually ends very badly.
"Alice brought a Uhaul with her with all of her things in it so she could move in with Jennifer. They just met. She is such a U-Haul lesbian."
by Fastfreddicane October 10, 2013
1-a big orange and white do-it-yerself moving van
2-what a lesbian brings on a 2nd date its a well known joke in the gay community based on the beliefs lesbians fall in love instantaniously on the 1st date, move in on the 2nd date..
2-what a lesbian brings on a 2nd date its a well known joke in the gay community based on the beliefs lesbians fall in love instantaniously on the 1st date, move in on the 2nd date..
lesbian 1: Wow 3 dates brenda? thats getting pretty serious!
lesbian 2: haha yeah l seriously love her
lesbian 1: so when are you gonna rent that U-haul :p
lesbian 1: Wow 3 dates brenda? thats getting pretty serious!
lesbian 2: haha yeah l seriously love her
lesbian 1: so when are you gonna rent that U-haul :p
by kater January 3, 2005
by swtpam October 29, 2011
To move in with someone. Sometimes used in conjunction with "it." Originated in the gay/lesbian community.
To move in with someone. Sometimes used in conjunction with "it." Originated in the gay/lesbian community.
Person 1: My girlfriend and I decided to uhaul.
Person 2: Cool. So, when are you guys moving in together? I can help you pack stuff with my truck.
Person 1: Next Saturday, probably. That'd be great!
Person 2: Cool. So, when are you guys moving in together? I can help you pack stuff with my truck.
Person 1: Next Saturday, probably. That'd be great!
by homosexuality January 10, 2010