To more than miss somebody. To miss somebody so much that I whole new word must be used to describe it.
by Gringo Turd burgler April 18, 2011
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Combination word - used when one does not like to call someone neither a twat or cunt, but wants to send the same message "appropriately". Best used in business settings and office atmospheres.
Why is she/he being such a twunt for?
by Laudez May 9, 2007
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An individual who is a cunt on twitter.
"Did you see Paul's latest tweet?"
"Yeah, that guy is a complete twunt!"
by zciworpsak October 30, 2011
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A mash-up of twat and cunt, used to insult. From the show 'Bad Education' on BBC 3. Others such as "Negitude" - a negative attitude.
Person 1 - "Did you hear about what he did!?"

Person 2 - "Yeah hes a total twunt"
by peoplesproblemsposter October 6, 2013
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n. A teenage bitch.

"Twunt" is portmanteau word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of the two words "tween" (a person who is twixt the age of 12 & 20) and "cunt" (vulgarism for the vagina often used to refer to a bad or nasty girl or woman).
Scarlett Johansson, talking to Gywneth Paltrow of the set of "Iron Man II," was overheard by a stringer for TMZ discussing how she had almost lost the role of "Natalie/Natasha" to Miley Cyrus.

Paltrow, recreating her turn as "Pepper Potts" in the sequel to the popular "Iron Man," reportedly was pissed that the younger Johansson had got higher billing. However, the two gals bonded over this catty/chatty moment.

"That's good that you got hired," Paltrow was overheard saying, "'cause I hear that that Miley Cyrus is a real twunt."
by Chance Wayne June 11, 2010
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A charming UK colloquialism, with origins on Facebook. Many claim to have invented this word. 'Twunt' is an ingenious word-sandwich. It is of course a hybrid, stemmjng from the joining of the words 'twat' and 'cunt', both, interestingly, expletives designed to refer to lady gardens - female genitalia). Best used when giving verbal abuse (or indeed, online abuse).
teenage Scottish ned approaches small child/brother/enemy: 'Haw ya wee twunt ye! Fuckin' m'ovur here an' say that but!'
Translation: 'Excuse me, you very annoying person! I respectfully advise you to come closer to me and repeat your last utterance.'

as an inspired mood-disclosing Facebook reply, or text message:


This acts as either a full stop/period to the online or text thread, an insult directed at the original or subsequent posts/poster him or herself.
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An amusing amalgam of twat and cunt, tending towards the meaning of the former.
Harnk, you're such a silly twunt
by realhandshandy January 27, 2003
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