Underwear. Usually, but not always, standard men's briefs (tightey-whiteys or y-fronts). Often connotes particularly old, worn-out, dirty, or generally nasty items. Variations include gonch, gaunch, gawnch, or gonchies. Primarily Canadian usage.
"You think that it's a cinch / to get up in my ginch?" -- Peaches, "The Inch"
by anonymous September 3, 2004
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The process of violently removing another persons underwear, without removing their trousers first. Like a wedgie, but continuing until the underwear is completely removed.
Rousey is a gimble, let's give him a good ginching.
by Melbage Cupper October 31, 2003
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according to the porn industry ginch is a whore of low repute; a slag
If janice dickenson wasn't famous she would be the biggest ginch in whoredom
by adambalder September 16, 2007
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To tear of a pair of underpants from someone without removing their trousers. Similar to a "wedgie" but the pants are pulled and pulled until something rips (either the pants or the ring piece). A term originating from The Melbage Cup Golfing Society.
Look! There's Bubbs, the great gormless bald headed buffoon. Let's give him a ginching!
by Melbage Wannabe November 12, 2003
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A hop en pointe. This is a ballet term.
Oh wow did you see those amazing ginches?!
Can you ginch on one foot?
by Vlet, Elk, and Belhop May 9, 2019
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pussy. typically nasty biker pussy
by Anonymous July 10, 2003
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Street, gang and surfers' term of an attractive female, especially one regarded as a sexual object or target
- Do you want Tommy (the dog) in or out ?
- Leave him out ! He's chasin' that Calico ginch
from the track houses again !
by sidekickbottom July 9, 2010
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