A saying invented by Mitchell often used when consuming Captain Morgan to acknowledge "The Captain" Henry Morgan.
*takes a swig from a bottle of Captain Morgan rum* Then yells "To the Captain"
by Oscar was wrong December 2, 2016
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Insertion of the pointer finger in the anus, inducing climax. Can only be practiced on males.
A little known fact, due to his debilitation from polio, FDR could only achieve climax through use of the Captain. (too soon?)
by Dan Lohman August 11, 2002
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Rob: "I just captained my coffee"
Joe: "Nice!, I wish I had captained my coffee"
by rumforestrum April 30, 2011
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- An upstanding term to describe a large bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum.

- A man's penis
I called up The Captain and said "Please bring me my death in a gallon jug". The captain abliged.
by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004
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I drank twenty ounces of Captain tonight and it ended up all over my couch along with the contents of my stomach.
by Ides of March August 23, 2004
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A ponderous rogue that infuses the masses with the will to drink. Many compare him Captain Hook, but the latter could never live up to these alcoholic expectations.
"Matt, did you get your captain on?"
"Ughh... "(a groan because he woke up in his own vomit)
by Uthar November 27, 2002
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