1) Another term for sex.

2) When a penis is inserted in a vagina.
by EssieHutch January 12, 2015
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1. To put one objet inside of another object

a. When a man puts his penis “in” during sexual intercourse

Penetrate Cock Thrust
Fabian: Insert It
Oliver: - Inserts (Insertion) Penis in Fabian -

Fabian: Ah ah ah ah aahhh
Fabian: Thrust Harder
Oliver: OH, This is what I’ve been waiting for, OHH
by Guest1444 March 13, 2019
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Can be replaced by shove, push, hump, fuck, or pound...
I cum as soon as I insert my penis.
I will insert my fist in your face.
Insert that big fucking dick in my pussy.
I had her screaming my name everytime I went to insert my dick.
by syst0lic July 13, 2003
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1) The woman inserted the heel of a stiletto into the mans penis hole.

2)Wow that was fun, I just inserted it into Diane and Jody
by RooKanga15 January 18, 2016
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When a person constantly inserts themselves into situations that don't include them
Boy: wyd?

Girl: headed home to catch up on some shows on Hulu. You?

Boy: I'll be joining you

Girl: you're very insertive
by TayDub March 7, 2016
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