Individual 1: Did you hear that John got a job?
Individual 2: God he's such a boomer.
Individual 1: Dude he's only a year older than you...
Individual 2: God he's such a boomer.
Individual 1: Dude he's only a year older than you...
by TheLomster June 14, 2019
Contrary to popular belief a boomer is not necessarily a baby boomer, a boomer is person stuck a state of mind in which they believe they are superior to other generations just because they are older.
by I’m pretty lonely ngl November 24, 2019
by The Intimidating British Guy May 19, 2021
by That dude who likes Bill Joe November 23, 2019
Usually your parents but someone who hates Millenials and say things like disgraceful. Heres a quick tip to limit boomer's lifespan -5 years . when they talk to you about how wronged they have been by their phone provider over 37 dollars turn on the tv and wait just a little bit too long to respond possibly with "I don't think so" and when they ask why say "ah just because" with no actual serious argument
"some boomer got pissed at me because I left the bathmat on the floor at it was too soggy. I just waited for yelling at me to bore them and I said fuck off."
by imakesandwiches7 October 5, 2019
Another word for a Thunderstorm.
A cold front from the north will draw in warm moisture from the south potentially producing some big boomers this afternoon.
by Consultant22 May 23, 2018
It means OLD... It's a generation that's called the " Baby Boomers" but in slang if you say boomer it means old. So basically if you call someone/something a boomer then you are calling them old or calling the thing old.
by the dictonary BITCH November 14, 2019