People born between 1961 and 1981. Generation X. Sometimes called the 'Slacker' generation. Preceded by Baby Boomers and followed by Gen Y.
by ScottX November 27, 2006
by Hey I’m the school bus guy. October 8, 2023
The generation that will make this world the best it ever has been once they are in charge of everything. They will be too chill to take credit for it and cool enough to hand it over to the next generation.
by Karen’s twin November 28, 2022
Gen X-er: No im not too old to go To the Night Club
Younger Person: Urr Grandpa the Bingo Hall is that Way
Gen X-er: I was born in 1965
Youger Person: Yep thats nearly 60 years ago beat it gramps!
Younger Person: Urr Grandpa the Bingo Hall is that Way
Gen X-er: I was born in 1965
Youger Person: Yep thats nearly 60 years ago beat it gramps!
by Trixilater October 8, 2021
The generation everyone forgets about
by _fishstixs_ November 12, 2019
'He said yo nana sucks cock in hell!'
'Whatever man, if it makes her happy it can't be that bad.'
'OMG, that was such a Gen X flex!'
'Whatever man, if it makes her happy it can't be that bad.'
'OMG, that was such a Gen X flex!'
by Mr_Saketumi February 27, 2023
Those final members of Generation X that made Millenial's necessary. The final class of people for the Millenial's to look up to.
Brian is such a gen x slacker, he'd rather sit in in in school suspension than practice for the game.
by Mr. V the og April 11, 2017