One who is constantly and unnecessarily using their cell phone for calls, texting, games, checking email or downloading ringtones.
Deuce is such a phone fag, every time I see him he is playing with his damn cell phone.
by mza929 November 12, 2007
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A person who thinks they are so much cooler than they really are, and says 'swag' way too much.
Me: You see that table over there? All the swag fags sit there every day.

Friend: Yeah, I know.

Swag Fag 1: Cmon guys, lets get outta here! My mom told be to come home after school, but YOLO!

Swag Fag 2: SWAG!
by kylster April 25, 2013
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Analogous to "fag hag" for a woman, "fag stag" is a straight man who is very comfortable around gay men, has many gay friends, and is supportive of gay rights. He may not necessarily go to gay bars and clubs with his gay friends, or vacation in mostly gay spots, but he is interested in his friends' romantic lives, and in the main differences between same-sex and opposite-sex relationships. He is amused, and sometimes downright flattered, when gay men are attracted to him, and not at all uncomfortable in such situations. If he's a "metrosexual," he may even shop with his gay friends and avail himself of their fashion sense.
"It's so refreshing to find a straight guy like Jeremy, who's so comfortable around us gay men. He's a real fag stag."
by middle_east_explorer September 20, 2009
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Someone who, for reasons unbeknownst to those outside of the Ferrari fag clique, displays an incomparable affection for the Ferrari automobile brand by wearing or displaying the most ridiculous of Ferrari-branded products, typically in groups of three or more products at a time so their loyalty is not questioned. Many Ferrari fags do not even own Ferrari automobiles.
(Overheard at a car show) Holy shit, did you see that Ferrari fag? He had the hat, shirt, shorts, socks and even the shoes on.
by M Schumacher December 19, 2006
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A "Noob-Fag" is some one who does not no how to use a computer properly.
"Anon1:How do I mount ISO?!?!"
"Everyone else: "What a noob-fag."

"Anon1: What is a torrent?"
"Anon2: Stop being a noob-fag and go google it... Bitch."
by Mr. Hatta July 25, 2011
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Someone who goes to university turns into a 'Uni-Fag'. A 'Uni-fag' will typically post constantly on facebook and twitter about how great it is and show as many pictures of himself demonstrating how great a time he is having as well as making things up as he goes a long.
Jimmy said: 'Connor went to University the other day, now all he does is tell everyone about how great it is.'

Alex replied: 'Well thats a Uni Fag for ya!'
by dwhite1024 September 26, 2012
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In homosexual male oral sex, to force the penis into the throat in such a way that it either blocks the airway or triggers gagging, coughing, retching or induces vomiting. The implication is either that the penis is abnormally large or that the sexual technique of the person receiving the oral favours is overly aggressive (for instance, pounding away at the throat as if it were a vagina).
Bigger is better, right? Blocking the throat during oral isn't sexy in real life, but that hasn't stopped the creation of multiple pornographic videos titled "gag the fag" or some variation thereof.
by bitchuck September 4, 2021
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