The street term for the prescription drug Viagra. Most commonly ingested or snorted.
Yo dawg can you hook me up with some POKE i can't get it up.
by Anonymous June 7, 2003
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to literally fuck a broad to def
aye i poked that hoe from last night
by D From DC July 15, 2003
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the act of having sex comes from the city of G-town MD
Man, they are gonna poke tonight
by lee March 29, 2005
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A stupid or bad thing or the action of doing a stupid or bad thing, or the person who is doing the stupid or bad thing.
Your alarm clock goes and you dont feel like getting up for work. So you might say "what a poke"

Or if someone is doing something stupid you would say "you are poking yourself"
by Geron January 29, 2008
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someone who is annoying as fuck and says phrases such as:

"i like pie," "poke-poke," "insert animal sound"
"Kim is actually just the biggest poke-poke ever, i can't stand hanging out with her for my than like 5 minutes because she is so annoying."
by rose97 February 10, 2012
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A cholo slang of saying stabbed or shanked
Eyy ese u herd that some rata got poked on the 4th
by LordsideGee #babychristan July 27, 2019
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