What my mom tells me not to be doing to any girls at the age of 15.
"Now Jake don't go around poking any girls"
by Jake May 3, 2004
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a slang term in reference to sexual intercourse; see also: bone
all my friends are dying to poke me.
by Evan June 26, 2002
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in northern ireland poke is another word for ice cream on a cone. so if offered a poke u are not being offered sex!
if you hear the term "pokie" this refers to the seller of the ice cream. usually in a van or other mobile stall.
"fancy a poke" "aye go on!"

"who wants a poke"
by 182appleshampoo April 21, 2009
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a gesture on the online community of Facebook that is sure to leave the recipient utterly baffled.
Charlotte Just gave me a poke man...

Does that mean she wants to bang you?
I dunno...
Does she want to be friends with you?
I dunno...
Isn't that kinda of annoying?
I guess...
What does poke mean anyways?
I dunno....
by Bradmley Reeser November 28, 2009
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a bag or sack of sorts holding mistly goods.

The term is oft' used in Appalachian English in between-local-folk settings.
I got a poke of candy down at the corner store

You put the cat in the poke.

When I was a kid, I used to walk twenty miles to the store to bring a poke of flaer home.
by Regulus Pistor January 25, 2014
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To have sex with. To make love to. To bang bang.
I poked her doggie style...He poked me all night long...Jim Poked that hot girl
by Basil August 23, 2004
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