Anarcho-Garfism is an impure form of anarchism that sees cats as the species enforcing philosophy rather than humans. Anarcho-Garfism has only one law, no Mondays, this is the only law, on Mondays, everyone will refer to Monday as, "Sunday 2: The Sequel." What separates Anarcho-Garfism from other impure anarchies, however, is that it is completely chad, with the idea for daily life, consisting of abusing the humans and sleeping.
"You know, Anarcho-Garfism is already in effect if you think about it,"
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From 'a' meaning 'without' and 'arch' meaning rulers plus capitalism. In other words capitalism without rulers. Rulers are taken as the state, whilst the term 'capitalism' included is taken to coincide with the liberal definition of capitalism as opposed to the Marxist one. That of freedom only finishing where the freedom of another is curtailed.
Anarcho-capitalism would be like now but without drug prohibition hence without drug gangs; without taxes hence without low wages and economic underperfomance; without the state hence without war.
by Robin d'Hood April 29, 2007
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An ultra-leftist, largely in the United States and Europe, who uses supposed "socialist" arguments to support what are objectively right-wing, pro-imperialist positions.

Anarcho-neocons portray Western government regime-change efforts as progressive revolutions, while smearing anti-imperialists and anti-war activists -- who think, 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't destroy countries in the Global South' -- as "tankies," "Assadists," and "Stalinists."

Anarcho-neocons agree with old-fashioned neoconservatives that imperialism will bring "authoritarian" countries "democracy."

Anarcho-neocons are always leftier than thou; no existing leftist government will ever be good enough for them. But contras armed and trained by the CIA to disembowel and crucify Third World nationalists are so dope! No flags, no gods, no masters, no socialists, definitely no communists, and please folx no more anti-imperialists!

Also see: Idlibs
Charles Davis, Shane Bauer, and Molly Crabapple are all anarcho-neocon psychos who think CIA-backed Takfiri death squads in Syria are heroic revolutionaries.
by madurosmoustache June 11, 2020
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Becoming aware of the collective substructure of life and society leading to deeper liberation than is commonly thought possible.
You have to let it all go Neo. Government, fads, bullshit: Free your mind. It's called Anarcho-communism, it's the only way to fly.
by Kamisama September 8, 2005
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A left-wing, libertarian extremist ideology that rejects all forms of societal hierarchies - social, economic, genetic - and by extension the state for creating and enforcing them.
"Anarcho-communism. Anarcho-communists are a first variant of leftist anarchism. They are communists, but minus the state."
-- Jreg, "Anti-Centrism: Know Your Extremists (From Anprim to Nazbol)"
by The Logical Fallacy July 7, 2020
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From 'a' meaning 'without' and 'arch' meaning rulers plus mammarianism. In other words mammarianism without rulers. Rulers are taken as the state. The term 'mammarianism' refers to the practice of breast-feeding, and general support of the practice so that children can more easily be bonded with their mother and grow to be more intelligent and seek less to initiate violence and a better society might flourish because of this.
Anarcho-mammarianism would be like now but without breast prohibition hence without feminism; without taxes hence without low wages and economic underperfomance; without the state hence without war; without a hesitancy to free the ta tas thus a happier society all around. Anarcho-mammarianism focuses on extending personhood to children ( starting with proper nourishment and bonding ), as was done in the past with minorities and women.
by AnCappinSophistsWithTruth September 21, 2014
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An oxymoronic take on the Anarchist societal model.

By definition, Anarchism is the idea of a stateless society where all people are free and equal. Anarchists oppose societal structures and power structures as a core tenet of their ideology.

Capitalism however, is an economic system that has an inherent power and societal structure where the super-wealthy elites rule over everybody else and control the means of production whilst exploiting the labor of workers for their own gain.

Because of this, Anarcho-Capitalism is an oxymoron and is, rightfully, the laughing-stock of most Anarchist circles.
Anarcho-Capitalism is hypocritical and an oxymoron.
by Super Thicc August 23, 2017
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