The leftover cum from when you jerk off in a bathtub, and it doesn't go down the drain.
I was draining my bathtub, but a couple of floaters survived.
by The Man with No Name November 7, 2017
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a cuban or puerto rican that floated over to florida in the gulf.
My old school in florida was filled with floaters.
by guess who April 19, 2005
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Faeces floating in toilet bowl that remain after flushing.
You walk in the toilet and there are small lumps of s**t floating in the water. You come out and say "Who left the floater?"
by Karen Saunders July 22, 2007
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Someone who most likely has more than one job and works P/T for a company that calls them when they need someone to cover a shift or eliminate overtime. Sometimes they work as little as once a week.
Boss: Last week our floater worked 8 hours and he's not schedule for another 2 weeks.

Worker: That's sure one hard working negro. A true hustla.
by Hard Working Niglet April 28, 2009
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When Beer is left on a table, counter or anything where it is abandoned half full.
"alright, we all paid for this beer, no floaters"

"Who's floater is this?"
by Dickhole Sucker June 4, 2009
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a person who hangs around celebs or up-and-coming people in order to get ahead in his or her field
That guy over there is such a floater....he thinks by hanging out with that band hes gonna go places in life.
by Son_of_LB May 22, 2005
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A racist name for a mexican. Since most mexicans swim across the Rio Grande to the United States. The mexican govt. dumps crap in the river, so you can say the swim next to floater.
Shut up and make me a Taco you floater.
by Anonymous April 10, 2003
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