(English; "Bo Burnham" Quotation Fragment; Slang;) --- "Acts as a comedic sentence that holds multiple meanings to be understood by a person or persons observing the 'joke' through means of sound or sight."

"One meaning probable to be invoked is the replenishment of edibles within an enclosed kitchen appliance that recycles and restores cold air."

"This is tied together with the second section <"A girl ... *stock* it."> as an artist's jocose reference to engaging in the act of coitus with another individual of the female gender."

"Another possible cite that can be interpreted from this comedic quotation is the use of the two homophones stock;stalk) attempting a 'play-on-words' that implies that a third-party undergo the act of following the previously stated individual of the female sex a single time within a seven day period."

*(Quotation Fragment/Comedian mentions no indication as to whether the appointed female be aware of the other's presence and/or tailing)
Refer to word slot, you rooty-poot candy-ass. I understand it's more than a singular word, but it's an expression. Filthy casual. I bet you're viewing this (A girl's like a fridge, once a week you should stalk it.) in Internet Explorer.
by Etch-A-Sketchy May 28, 2015
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once a week

Mary shampoo her hair once a week.
idk she just does it.... just let her shampoo her hair once a week are u dumb? UR DUMB..... UR DUMBBB!!!
by dreammmcool July 13, 2017
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