1. Generally anything from the country of France, in Western Europe.

2. Possibly the second most hated group of human beings on the planet (next to Americans of course), for reasons that vary from person to person.

3. The official language of France, and some of its neighboring countries, such as Belgium, etc. Fun to learn, but difficult to master.
1. This wine is French.

2. Americans tend to hate the French, but whether they like it or not, they've been helpful through the years. You can't forget history because the president tells you to.

3. Est-ce que vous aimez parler le français? Oui, mais je ne le parle pas très bien.
by freddy newandyke July 15, 2005
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French 'Person":" Viva France!, huououououo"
Guy1: *Beats the Frenchie up*
by durpy7 January 13, 2023
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A language that has genders and is annoying af to learn.
Dude did you know French words have genders?
Woah dude!
by Bonk police March 4, 2021
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Technoblade's fourth worst enemy, after calculus, dream and skeppy
by DaniCapi12 January 17, 2021
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1. Freedom
2. Coming from France, a country in Western Europe that some Americans find it necessary to make up facts about ("duuuh..the french lose in every war the fight..huhuhuh") because they don't act inferior to the US.
"If you type in 'French Military Victories' in Google, it says "Did You mean 'French Military Defeats'?"
"Not really, it was just some guy that knew how to use Photoshop"
by nj April 27, 2003
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another way of saying "I give up" or "I forfeit"
This question is too hard, I French
by mozes February 27, 2005
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