Hoe Industries Ltd. is a private limited company that was founded by the legend himself "Kasm Saleh" in the early 1920s. Basically Kasm Saleh was fed up that no women would fall in love with him, so he founded Hoe Industries, a company whose purpose would be and still is to ship hoes worldwide for the benefit of all human-beings.
Person n.1: Yo look at that guy's girl! Damn!
Person n.2: Yeah she is fine, although she's probably from Hoe Industries Ltd.
by The Bloke March 24, 2017
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Give up all hope of career advancement, pride and decent salary all ye that enter, for thou are doomed to work in the darkest pit of hell and hellfire !!
Wow !! GS !! Wow !! What a place !!
by Lone Ranger July 2, 2004
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When a male bangs out a slam-pig (skank, scallwag, swamp donkey, mollusk etc.) and does not shower afterwards. He then goes to his manual labor job and works out in the sun all day, creating a sweaty swamp in his pants that festers and festers. When he comes home from work and removes his pants, the smell is just like low tide. It is extremely funny if he then says to the same girl who initiated this chaotic and awful smell: "Smell my dick!" and thrusts it in her face.
Drew cleared out the locker room with his low tide dick (ltd).
by Scoopalone June 28, 2014
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A “club” based in London, England. Catering to the super-rich and with extensive political and financial ties worldwide, this group has caused extensive problems for the Foundation. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. is known for collecting rare and obscure items, along with providing its members the most exclusive, expensive, and rare experiences available.

These activities have resulted in conflict with the Foundation on numerous occasions. The group is not known for the use of force; they prefer to apply extreme financial and political pressure to achieve their goals. When forced to use more direct means, Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. employs outside agents, and it is very difficult to connect said agents to the organization.

Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. has caused several SCP containment breaches, primarily through the use of money or social pressure. Several reports, records, and even items have been leaked by Foundation personnel who had been approached with large amounts of money, or threats of extensive jail time or torture. Notably, two containment sites were almost brought to public attention after the Foundation refused access to members of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
Marshall, Carter, & Dark Ltd. is a company that is owned by immortal humans.
by Mad Dummy April 9, 2019
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The best group of people to walk the earth
Alexander: what is the name of our gc?
Sky:Columbia Crack Dist. Ltd
by BoOmGirl101 September 29, 2021
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A fictitious name given to a group of good cunts, who just don't give a crap about anything other than paving roads and smashing hoes.
I can't believe they wrecked my driveway and then slammed my girlfriend!" "Mate that's rough but that's what you get when you come at NZ Road Corp Ltd.
by johndunbarr May 17, 2011
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