Isabelle is the most amazing and hottest girl you will ever lay your eyes on! She is a great friend to close ones but often shy around new people. She is the life of the party and knows how to get a boys attention easily. All the boys fight for her because of her stunning features and her amazing personality. She is always happy and makes other people around her crack up with laughter without effort. Everyone loves isabelle and boys go crazy about her!!
EXAMPLE: "hey look it's isabelle let's go talk to her!"
EXAMPLE:"It's an isabelle she's so hot!"
by Bellahasswag April 12, 2015
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A gorgeous girl who doesn't know it. Can and will get any guy she wants with her charm, personality, looks, and smile. She is a funny and fun girl who you want around. If you don't know an Isabelle get to know one!!!!!!
Isabelle P.
by heartbraker5 March 29, 2009
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A beautiful girl who is just perfect! She will get any guy she wants will her beauty and love. She is stylish and is very popular. She is smart, charming, popular, kind, fashionable, and perfect. Isabelle is loved by everyone and all the guys like her! She is fun and funny. Everyone compliments her, and some people are very jealous. She is an inspiring person.
Isabelle Is So Charming And Popular, She Is Perfect.
by NameDictionaryKnower February 27, 2017
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She is a mostly nice, funny, and happy girl. She likes to run around and giggle with her friends. Isabel is also very attractive and pretty, so if you ever dated her, you must also be attractive. Isabel is usually fun and great to be around except although rarely, sometimes she goes over the top and gets annoying, but is almost always super fun!
Man, did you see that girl? She reminds me of an Isabel!
by secretlover;) February 21, 2012
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If you were looking for a synonym of awesomeness, then you have come to the right place.

An extremely interesting, funny and sassy girl who's very talented in what she does. If you're lucky enough to be her friend, then you'll have the best time of your life at her side, even if it's not going to be all rainbows and unicorns (that would be boring). And on top of that, she's very pretty and cute, and if you need her, she'll be there to help you out! Honestly, if you ever see an Isabel out there, go and talk to her, you won't regret it!
Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: Don't you know? That's Isabell!! Just look at that Spanish booty!
by thdctr January 17, 2014
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Wow. If u know and Isabel. Or even be lucky enough to be her friend, family, or even best friend or boyfriend. Shes the most beautiful, talented girl ever and is always good at what she loves doing. Isabel’s are good at gymnastics and r very flexible girls. She is physically attractive with her stunning curves and her beautiful bright eyes & gorgeous smile completes her amazing face. If u have an Isabel known as izzy for short, you should always keep her and respect her as you will be very lucky to have a girl like her as a boyfriend. All her guy friends will wish to be in her boyfriends place. An Isabel will put herself down a lot but just make her confident as inside and outside she is stunning! She thinks she doesn’t like her face or body but trust me she has the best face and body she’s just got to believe in herself. She is smart, talented, pretty and such a kind and wonderful girl. She may seem like an inocent girl but seriously, don’t mess with her. If you have an Isabel as a best friend, boyfriend, friend, sister, daughter, then think to yourself right now. You are lucky to have her. She is the kindest thing in the entire world. But don’t take this kindness for weakness as it as an amazing strength for her. She is the funniest girl ever and will make you laugh until you can’t breathe. If you have an Isabel then love her. Don’t take her for granted. Praise her. Tell her she is beautiful. Cherish every second with her. You will never ever ever find a girl like her boys.
Person A:Do you know an Isabel?
Person B: of course. She’s my best friend

Person A: wow. She must be wonderful.
by jazzieclinton445 November 7, 2018
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A girl who as beautiful as Aphrodite. She is known for her shyness and intelligence. She is always optimistic about things. Unlike most girls, she hates spreading or even starting gossip or rumors. Everyone loves her because she is sweet and kind. Her parents believe that she brings joy to everyone's lives.
Kathy: Did you hear about the new student here?
Danielle: No, I haven't. What's her name?
Kathy: Her name is Isabel.
Kathy: Let's go talk to her!
***Danielle and Kathy walk over to Isabel***
Danielle: Hi Isabel, we heard that you were the new student here.
Isabel: Yes, I am. What are your names?
Kathy: I'm Kathy and this is Danielle.

Isabel: Oh, nice to meet you both.

Danielle: Let's tell each other what we're like, that way, we can get to know each other better! My full name is Danielle Salamanca Martin. I'm fourteen years old and I have no siblings. I like to play soccer and hang out with my friends at the mall. I don't like to spread gossip.

Isabel: I guess that I'll go next. My name is Isabel Olivia Desso. I'm turning fourteen soon. I have two siblings: Ethan and Paula . I like to play lacrosse. Like Danielle, I don't like to spread gossip or rumors because it could hurt others.
Kathy: My name is Kathy Morgana Haag. I'm fourteen and I have no siblings. I don't like to spread rumors. I play tennis at the new recreation center downtown.

Isabel: We all have one thing in common though, that is that we don't like to spread rumors.
Kathy: That is true.

***Bell rings, signaling that it's lunch break***
Kathy and Danielle: Ooh! It's lunchtime!
Isabel: Do you mind if I join you two for lunch?
Danielle: Of course we don't mind!

Isabel: I would love to be both of your friends. I have a strong feeling that we're going to become great friends.
by Queen_of_writing7894 March 9, 2014
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