A code word to alert someone that something embarassing is hanging from his/her nose or on his/her mouth.
by Aaron the jockey June 27, 2005
by lauren h. November 30, 2007
by Paul S. W. September 11, 2006
by Fifi McFeef September 16, 2007
by Mr. Roboto April 1, 2005
This is a phrase used when you are at Mandalay Bay and are over the age of 14, but not willing to pay the extra fee for pool access.
It also can be used at other times if you're wanting to sound young. (Not for use if above 18 years of age)
Funny to use in response to any question asked.
It also can be used at other times if you're wanting to sound young. (Not for use if above 18 years of age)
Funny to use in response to any question asked.
by LegendOfTooget May 30, 2009
by Dipshitt May 5, 2017