by Diego September 4, 2003
A female pilot flying upside down. An FAA rating obtained by female pilots after they have logged a minimum of 15 hours of inverted flight time.
by seymour heines February 28, 2008
Bursting into a prolonged fit of intense, uncontrollable laughter. Instigating this sort of reaction in someone is called "Cracking that person up."
by lollylollylollyPOP!!! July 24, 2009
laughing mad hard. Almost to the point of crying. Laughing you split ends off. more than giggleing or laughing
Guy 1: hey, whats wrong wiff aly?
Guy 2: Oh we where talking about how disgusting Michelle's nose is and then she started cracking up
Guy 2: Oh we where talking about how disgusting Michelle's nose is and then she started cracking up
by Petrusha July 1, 2008
by Ark T May 12, 2010
by milkNcereal2319 June 19, 2005
To burst into loud, hysterical or aggressive verbal abuse. Used primarily in Ireland and the UK. Similar with the American "freak the fuck out," however only used in negative situations.
"Yer wan at the pub cracked up at me when I asked how much she charged for an hour."
"Don't you dare crack up at me! I'm not the one sleepin' with my sister!"
"Don't you dare crack up at me! I'm not the one sleepin' with my sister!"
by Lolitaslut May 7, 2009