A race war that centered between two tribes of Doritos™️. One of them was Nacho Cheese and the other was Cool Ranch. The Nacho Cheese tribe hated the Cool Ranch tribe simply because they were blue, and the leader of the Cool Ranch tribe hated blue. Ended in both sides losing as the War was a blast of flavor if you know what I mean.
There will never be another battle quite like The Great Dorito War of 2014.
by GunkieLover628 April 29, 2023
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A war between pirates and ninjas will happen in 2006 and will end in 2067 with the ninjas defeating the pirates (comitting piracide). Then the ninjas will take over the world. This is called ninjapocalypse. Prepare for this war. Become a ninja.
The Great Ninja Pirate War will begin in March 2006!
by beattie April 12, 2005
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This is a long and brutal war that has lasted a generation. it all started in the 50's when the great riots in brighton brought about the mod and rocker war, this was a war that many of your parents were a part of, it was between two types of people. the mods, they ride vespas and wear brown jakets, they are very british. the rockers which were influenced by american culturethis include motor bikes and leather jakets, they loved the rock n roll music. this war lasted many years from the early 50's until the late 70's. it was a long and hard fight. after many years victory was in the hands of the rockers. mods were nearly wiped out. by this time rockers had evolved into moshers. peace had been achieved... for a brief moment.

After few years of relative peace until the 90's a new people, spiecies were born.... the chav had taken the country by storm. they originated in chatam, but they spread. first across the southern countys this was a fairly harmless mix until they started spreading north. this spread and spread until the mosher became a minority.

moshers did not start this war it started by chavs no longer accepting the moshers and startin small fights. after years this exploded. this war was some what worse then the mod rocker war because both sides are accociated with big groups, a small group from either side would be 30 people. big fights are common.
chavs moshers mods rockers the great chav - rocker war
by laststand111 November 18, 2010
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A war that took place between two sisters, age 9 and 14. It happened while their mother was at work, and uncle was on the back patio. This is why you should never leave us kids alone in the house. Needless to say, there was a large mess afterwards, and they did not clean up as well as they thought they did, as today, Wednesday, May 15th, 2019, they discovered the leftover missiles (jelly beans) under the couch and in the cushions. Their mom only found out today, when the 14 year old opened her mouth and spilled the beans about the war that even their uncle knew nothing about.

~The fourteen year old
ps- I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut when it comes to things that can potentially get me in trouble...
The Great Jelly Bean War of Easter 2019 was a brutal war with many casualties.
by FlowerPetal0720 May 16, 2019
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The epic battles that ensued over the possession of the sacred cock, as he who controls the cock controls the universe. Where were you when the cock flew.....?
"Hey son, learn about anything interesting in school today?"
"Yeah! We learned about the commanders in the Great Cock War of 2017!"
by Emperor Joseph II November 20, 2017
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The Great War of Olly Bolly ran from August 2021 until December 2021, involving the Olly Bolly and KT Bee nations. The cause of this monster event is unknown, but the outcome was catastrophic. The war was resolved by Olly Bolly losing at bowling, causing him to retreat back into his futile cave of Chelsea memorabilia and a cardboard cutout of Drogba.
“Mum what was the most historic war of the 21st century?”

“Oh that would be the Great War of Olly Bolly, what a tragic event”
by squishavacado January 3, 2022
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A war back in 5000 BC when a god was dethroned by the great Troy. After troy dethroned the god he sent powerful troops to fight against satan and thanos himself. Troy killed thanos with just one punch and choked satan to death with his bare hands. Troy has been known to be the most powerful of them all and is referred to the God of Gods.
Me: just came back from The Great Ancient War it was fun
Friend: OH REALLY YOUR A Troyist

Friend: i hate Troy
*me gets the power of troy and shoots a beam at friend*
*friend dies immediately*
by truthdefintion April 30, 2019
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