To lay an unsuspected person out for doing/saying something to you or about you.
Someone said something about his mother so he snookied his ass.
by 123 billings December 22, 2009
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A person whose bra size exceeds her IQ.
Person 1: Man that girl is so stupid, but her breasts are huge!

Person 2: Yeah I know, she is such a Snooki!
by Jay Jay is Okay January 27, 2011
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1. A very tan, greasy, STD-ridden "guidette" from Jersey Shore

2.The offspring of an Oompa Loompa and Troll, trying to call herself "Italian" (even though she's really Chilean)
omg, Nicole looks like such a Snooki since she started fake 'n baking!
by FabulousFeminist September 28, 2010
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1. (n) A wanna-be-guidette whore WHO'S NOT EVEN HOT with a fake tan and dyed hair. Gives the glorious state of New Jersey a bad name.

2. (v) The act of being punched in the face by a guido tool-bag.
Did you hear about that bitch Snooki getting punched in the face? She totally deserved it.
by TYg3r28 December 15, 2009
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A useless lump of human excrement dyed orange and in possession of a jar of pickles and a Bump-It. It is a parasite found primarily along the coast of New Jersey, although it may travel great distances, spreading a disease known as "guiditis," which transforms normal human beings into orange, obnoxious piles of crap that literally serve no purpose other than to piss people off. It is also a vector for other infectious diseases including, but not limited to: herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, rabies, tularemia, African Sleeping Sickness, marlaria, tetanus, tuberculosis, smallpox, Dengue fever, the common cold, syphillis, parvovirus, and myriad others. It should be avoided at all costs.
Goddammit, I fucking hate Snooki and everyone else on that stupid-ass show.
by Racecarisracecarinreverse. October 28, 2010
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1. Descendant of the fabled big-foot family, usually wears slutty clothes exposing most of its body, has a very loose vagina; however it is not apparent if it is male or female.
2. The reason why there's world hunger.
Guy 1: ''Dude, did you see that Snooki on Jersey Shore last night?''

Guy 2: ''Yeah dude, I could totally see its camel toe sagging through her socks!''
by Unanymouswat July 30, 2010
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