My darling

My darling is so tall he must stoop to kiss me.
My darling is bright eyed and inquisitive.
My darling finds refuge in nature and solitude.
My darling is sensitive and slippery to hold,

To be with it seems impossible, because my darling, you are colossal and only meant for admiration, so my darling, Though my love may be beyond my station, a destination that’s not for me, my darling I’ll love you still, and dream you love me.
My darling, I do love you so much.
by Clarabella December 19, 2020
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Jaime my darling

The sweetest person. They are a little quiet at first, but when they like you, they get comfortable with you. Like my best friend and my lover. Ever since I saw your name on that list. I wanted to meet you. You jaime are so loving and caring. Your name is special. It’s yours. It can be a girl name or a boy name. It’s unisex. Just think about it ok? But if you wanna change it and it still makes you feel weird, it’s ok, I’ll support you no matter what. Ok baby? I love you, you.
No one compares to you jaime boy.

-Who’s that?

-That’s jaime my darling:D
by You’re darling October 11, 2022
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Dye! Dye! My Darling

The most awesomest Daria episode ever! Jane wants to dye her hair blonde, so she lets Daria do it and Daria screws it up, and Jane gets mad thinking she's going to take Tom away from her. Jane doesn't show up at school the next day, so Daria goes to her house and talks to her. They apologize and Daria comes home only to find Tom's car in front of her house. He says that they should talk and then they start arguing, and then he kisses her.... twice. Daria tells Jane and she's mad. She goes over to Tom's house and they break up. Daria talks to Helen about it, then Daria talks to Jane again. Jane says it's okay to for Daria to date Tom and she leaves her. Then Tom calls Daria...
Dude, you should watch "Dye! Dye! My Darling" it's rad!
by Gwen Stefani Grrl November 28, 2003
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Its meaning is self explanatory. It can be used in 3 situations:
1 - Never
2 - Always
3 - When you want your darling to break your fingers
1950's Man - "Break My Fingers, Darling!"
1950's Housewife - Okay
1950's Man's fingers get broken
by Toni Bobbins August 12, 2023
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My Dress-Up Darling

borderline hentai. it has some fan service elements but it's a pretty good show ig. 95% of people just watch it just for the main female protagonist (Marin Kitagawa)
My Dress-Up Darling is still a far better love story than Twilight.
by bamfwag June 26, 2023
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