an easier word use for inappropriate times such as with women
Damn, that girls got some tig o bitties
by Dane is Gay July 24, 2008
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Popular Japanese catchphrase attributed to Heero Yuy, a character from the anime tv show Gundam Wing. Literally translates to "I will KILL you."
Omae o korosu! (I AM GOING TO KILL YOU.)
by Blackmegabyte November 14, 2005
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Short for "I Owe you".
"I O U 20 bucks
-signed Bob"
by MKahy May 22, 2008
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The event that happens every 2-3 months when you realize you don't like or talk to half of the people you are friends with on Facebook and systematically delete them.
Guy 1: Man I don't even remember adding half of these people

Guy 2: I guess it's time to start a Friend-o-caust
by A helpful Platypus April 7, 2011
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A person reeking of unusually dank, musty funk (with an occasional side of RAW, HOT OPEN SWEATY ASSHOLE), especially after sex. Smellin' like ALL TO BE DAMNED, 40,000 YEARS OF FUNK.
"yo, must-o-bust is lightin up the room so much, he has folks tearin' up n' gaggin n' shit...clear the the fire department!"
by rhenvar January 9, 2010
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The act of tipping over a port-o-potty. It can be tipped on either of its four sides. It only requires one person to tip, but for better effects after sploosh delay, it would require 2 people; one to tip it on it's door side (face), and the other to hold open the door while it's going down. After it is down, fireworks can be thrown inside for an added thrill. One must be careful not to step in the waste which is expelled from the port-o-potty after sploosh delay has occured. If the port-o-potty is behind a fence at a construction site, most of the time, those fences can easily be torn down to gain access. One must leave the area immediately after the port-o-potty is down, for it is quite loud, and if one is systematically tipping them in alleys, the cops tend to be called...
Hellraiser 1: Holy shit dude, that one we tipped had the biggest sploosh ever!!!

Hellraiser 2: Oh shit, there was someone in there!! Let's get the fuck outta here!!!
by TZR June 26, 2005
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