A horrible grow of hair on the upper lip halfway between peach fuzz and a mustache. This frighting facial hair is often grow on the lip of a teenage boy either trying to look manly or simply refusing to shave. Can also appear on the face of an old woman.
Oh look at Jim he really needs to shave he is getting a molestache.
by psizzle93 January 31, 2009
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A mustache so disturbingly creepy, it literally molests your eyeballs. It also has been known to put women and men into a trance, whereupon the victim awakens, disrobed with the sneaking suspicion he or she has been raped.
Janine: Holy shit that was close!
Ugly Jane: What was?
Janine: The molestache on that trucker over there almost caught me in its trailer-tractor beam. Now come on, let's scram before we black out and wake up raped!
Ugly Jane: You go on ahead, I'm gonna get my fuck on.
by carrotworm May 18, 2011
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a mustache that resembles that which a child molester, such as David Westerfield, might have.
Did you see that guy's molestache Yeah he looks like such a creeper.
by LexiB February 11, 2009
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Any moustache, beard, sideburns, or any combination of aforementioned types of facial hair grown in such a way, or worn by such a person, as to convey a sense of creepiness; short for 'molester moustache.' Originally coined by
Abraham Finkbeinner in some filthy frathouse basement.
Isaac, you filthy man! With that woodland camo hat, plaid shirt, and tattered jeans, your otherwise respectable facial hair has become a Molestache!!

Look at that creepy guy in that panel van, with the mullet and Molestache.
by Stephen Nazzaro August 29, 2006
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1. The kind of mustache or gotee that guys who refuse to a woman alone at a club or bar have; think that one guy from the backstreet boys, or european "musician" Gunter (similar to a mexistache)

2. the kind of mustache sex-offenders grow in order to seem more normal; think ned flanders or geraldo. in this instance, the upper lip is usually not visable and the stache is usually, but not always, acompanied by a mullet or mull-ette
That dick with the molestache won't stop trying to get me to go home with him. He's gross and smells like mustard.
by sam caplan February 26, 2006
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type of mustache: not quite a pornstache but just as creepy.
looks like: John Mayer trying to grow a Tom Selleck mustache. John Mayer has a molestache.
by skweakrz February 22, 2011
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Noun: a moustache that transforms a normal man into a man that appears to have child molesting tendencies.
John sure looks like a child molester now that his molestache has filled in.
by Mike Nosty January 24, 2016
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