filled in

Someone who has had the shit kicked out of him/Been beaten up/Hurt badly
You're gonna get Filled In! I'm gonna Fill You In!
by OxfordUnitedFC February 18, 2016
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filled in

That garbage cunt got filled in three times last night while she was high on PCP.
by Tony666 February 17, 2008
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People or persons who have no meaning in this world, they have a boring personality, and they are rather dull. People who are outgoing are usually not fill-ins.
Michael jackson is the perfect example of someone who is not a fill-in.
by stefan April 10, 2005
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A young woman. Doesnt have to be pretty or ugly. An ordinary young woman.
That fille is gorgeous.
by Bw.itch May 10, 2007
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A French noun.

1. A daughter, female offspring. Derived from the Latin word "filia".

2. A girl, although jeune fille ("young daughter") is often used. The diminutive "fillette" is used to denote a little girl.

3. Slang for a prostitute, as a shortening of terms like "fille de joie", "fille de la rue", and "fille publique".
1. Après elle a licenciée de son travail, Fantine était désespérée gagner l'argent à sauver sa fille aimée, sa petite Cosette(After she was fired from her job, Fantine was desperate to earn money to save her beloved daughter, her little Cosette).

2. Deux garçons et trois jeunes filles ont courus à travers le parque (Two boys and three girls ran through the park).

3. Il courait les filles au lieu d'obéir les souhaits de ses parents pour se marier (He chased the girls instead of obeying his parents' wish for him to marry).
by Lorelili May 25, 2009
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Planting your man seed into a female.
Did you fill that bitch last night?

Damn, check out that girl! I'd fill
by Brett B April 11, 2006
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Fille is someone who is totally new to a game. Or seems like he/she is new to the game. It is kind of a word for noob, b00n, nab, newb etc. Just worse. In CS when a player has 0-21 score he/she is a Fille. A Fille might claim that he or she is totally Uber 1337. However he/she is not.

The word Fille origins from danish language and means "poor".
- OMG me pwns that Fille 2tm!

- That Fille is totally unskilled. OMG!
by Mathias Madsen August 30, 2005
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