
the plural definition for feeding moles to an animal
Wow jerry , stop molesting zara! your spoiling her !
by toeateggornottoeategg December 13, 2022
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A station for moles to vibe and chill without consequence
Mole #1: yo ima head down to the molestation.
Mole #2: Mk
Mole #3: penis
by Obiwan723 January 18, 2021
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someone who subjects others to unwanted or improper sexual activities
"Is my husband a child molester?"
by Babyloo April 7, 2014
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dude did you even ASK that dog if you could pet it? It's really uncool to molest things
by mc wiggle April 18, 2007
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assault or abuse (a person, especially a woman or child) sexually.
Molest~To sit next to a 7 year old girls bed and start grabbing at her chest and touching her in places without permission.
by Sunnydill December 23, 2016
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Two definitions:

1- Rape of sexual assault.

2- What you yell when you grab someone suddenly without warning.
1- Your mom was convicted in that molestation case.


Figure.10: *sneaks up behind you*

You: "la la la.."

Figure.10: *launches!*


Figure.10: "Molestaion!!!"
by Figure.10 June 30, 2009
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A word that means to make disturbed in the mind. Usually refers to An adult who forces themselves upon hapless children, yet it can mean many other things.
If there was a man like Edward H. Gein who murdered children and hung the bodies in his house, you'd forget quickly about that famous child molester.
by IcyHaku April 23, 2005
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