Required to be present in every dictionary for the same reason as aardvark. Also, only thing of note to come from the southern USA.
Woah man isn't it freaky how all the dudes in ZZ Top have beards except Frank Beard??? What's UP WITH THAT??
by The King of the Internet March 31, 2003
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One of the best southern rock bands in this universe
Southern guy 1: Whoah dude! Have you heard "lowrider" by ZZ Top?

Southern Guy 2: Hell yea! #low-ri-der goes a little slower....#
by Rossotron October 9, 2005
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When you get some head so good that it puts you to sleep.
"Bruh she ZZ Topped me off and I fell straight to sleep 10 minutes into Netflix and chill."
by Ziggy985 October 16, 2015
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When a chick is going down on you, and you cum all over her chin, and then you reach down and yank out her snatch hair and stick it to her face like a beard. If it's as long as a ZZ Top beard, you win!
Man that girl was hairy. I pulled a full on ZZ Top on her and everything.
by roguecomposer September 5, 2008
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to put your cock in someones ass and spin them around like zz top does to his guitar.
That bitch got double zz toped.
by bjjjjjjjjjjjj April 4, 2008
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A gay man's wife is called a beard. If they have a child together then the child is called a ZZ Top (in reference to the huge beards the band ZZ Top wore in the 80s). The child is in effect a "super beard" - used as an even larger cover up for the man's homosexuality.
Can't you see that Brian is a closet homo? His wife is just a beard and his son Pete is a ZZ Top.
by Andyman April 21, 2004
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A group of deranged Rabbis sourging the rap world with their infamously pointless beats and Judaic babble.
Bart: Hey, look, its ZZ Top. You guys rock!
Rabbis: Eh, maybe a little.
by bob_the_russian November 5, 2003
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