fell is a term much like mate, pal, or lad: though with much more personal connotations to close friends
A term of endearment, greeting, or even agreement
Hey fell whats up?
Love that fell!
You coming town tonight fell?
Get the bevs in fell?
by TopFell October 24, 2013
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Face yelling. When a person is not verbally yelling, but yelling with their expression.
My mother is felling at me since I will not get off of my phone.
by Iz August 16, 2017
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1. I fell. (I have fallen)
2. I slayed a fell-beast.
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1. Past tense of fall in
2. A slang term used when someone takes too long to come back from the restroom
“When is (friend) coming back from the restroom
“I think he fell in”
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The Felling, former township on south bank of river Tyne, east of Gateshead town centre, Tyne & Wear, North-east England.

Industrial waste land intermixed with pockets of social deprivation that would warrant a Disasters Emergency appeal on TV.

It has a Metro station, that the only people getting off at, are likened to the passengers for Charon across the river styx (not the band), but unlike the users of the mythical ferryman of the dead, few of the folk of Felling have actually paid.

The town square is modelled in the ever popular T.Dan Smith corruptions style, which sucks out whatever joy or hope is left in the fair citizens of Felling.

Slowly a program of Social and economic cleansing is been carried out by Gateshead council, so they can get people who actually pay there council tax to live there.

Twinned with Prypiat and Pyongyang
Gateshead Newcastle geordie Charon crossing the river styx Styx Felling The Felling
by mad cyril October 11, 2009
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