the verb to "decimate" comes from the root of the Latin word for ten. Obvious enough, but the use gets more interesting. The verb "To decimate" is synonymous with "to destroy" and may be used to talk about a great reduction, loss, etc. "Decimation" was used as a Roman military strategy, as punishment for a severe crime, typically rebellion or desertion, the army would be forcibly lined up, and every tenth person would be killed. The form of group punishment based on the number ten is an adequate enough explanation for the origin of the word. Today, the word can be used in a less mathematical context, and still be grammatically correct, though it's still an intense verb.
General Sherman's tactics in the South decimated the Confederate's power by destroying the land and cutting off economic growth.
by Dr. Strangelove77 April 8, 2009
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To decrease by 1/10, hence the prefix deci.
Aww, only 10%? At least I can say I was decimating that test.
by ManMan36 May 24, 2016
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a pornographic name for a penis, other names include, but are not limited to "rimsplitter, ramjam, buttripper, cornolio, rectum raider, best friend"
i have anal seepage, wow that boy is a decimator
i have a small tear in the flesh surrounding my anus, what a rimsplitter
by missmuffet September 19, 2005
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Term used to describe mind and body.Usually caused by some sort of drug or alcohol.
Man i was decimated after that party at X-caliber last nite.

Im decimated now. -_-
by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003
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An incorrectly overused word often heard when the speaker actually means to say "devastate", possibly due to the fact that the two words sound quite similar. Decimate means to reduce (by some portion), so it more accurately represents loss or attrition, especially in reference to a given population.
The Anthracnose fungus has decimated the regional White Oak population.
by Loveable Bastard October 13, 2013
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To have extremely hardcore, brutal, rough and relentless sex in which the woman agree's to let you use her body for your pleasure in which any way you wish.

The act of decimating someone is usually called Decimation.
"I'm going over Claire's tonight."
"Oh yeh, you gonna decimate her?"
"Too right I am, going to be absolute decimation!"
by SteadyEddyMageddy April 14, 2011
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