
The correct term for Thanos' Snap in Infinity War
Thanos' decimation destroyed half of all life.
Thanos decimated half the universe
by Im_an_insane_person April 21, 2019
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Decim is one of the main characters in the twelve episode series "Death Parade." He is an arbiter and the bartender for the bar Quindecim. His hobby is to collect the dummies of souls that have gone to the void. He is also the first arbiter with human emotions.
I ship Decim and Chiyuki.
by screwaloistrancy September 18, 2017
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A frequently misused word.

Decimate literally means to reduce something by a tenth, but many people use it instead to mean "totally destroy." The word "obliterate" would be a better choice than "decimate."

Decimate comes from the root "deci-" which can be found in other words involving ten, "decimal" for example.
When I decimated the cookies I ate ten out of the hundred-cookie batch.

Joe decimated the rock collection by getting rid of one tenth of the rocks.
by Athene Airheart March 25, 2004
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the decimation

The result of Thanos balancing the universe by snapping his fingers. But since no one saw this happen it is referred to as 'The Decimation.'
The decimation caused us to loose friends, family, and a part of ourselves.
by Hello,world! December 10, 2018
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Decimal is the most common base number system(10). The mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal,Decimal,Noninary,Octinary,Pentinary,Trinary,and Binary.
Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C
Decimal: 25152119210312
Noninary: 27162321230313
Octinary: 31172523270315
Pentinary: 100030041034041003022
Trinary: 221120210200021010110
Binary: 011001001111010101010011010101000011001100
Alphabet: YOUSUCK
by Xenoglyph November 5, 2003
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Reduced by 1/10th (one-tenth), not, as commonly misused, totally wiped out, destroyed, annihilated.
The rodent population in New York City was decimated, down from ten million to only nine million.
by Monkey's Dad November 9, 2019
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Money or the equivalent of. Representing funds.
Used in metaphoric terms by rapper Nas. "And I'm shrewd about decimals". On your P's and Q's when it comes to making money.
by Aint nuttin' December 8, 2010
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