N. The same meaning as genitals really.

Can refer to breasts, penis, vagina, testicles or posterior.
I was pressed up against him in the lift when I suddenly realised our parts were touching.
by thequeenofsheba3 March 23, 2008
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Noun. Refers to what a car dealership service department or independent repairman never seems to have, often causing a waiting period of 2 to 3 months.
"I'm going to have to order those parts."
by Dr. Worm February 4, 2004
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parts, to
to take something apart or take off the parts
later on we'll go back to my place and parts my bike and see whats making it rattle
by jordan keeps it real May 13, 2008
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1.Another way of agreeing with what someone has said
2.putting emphasis on a statement.
we should have gone to another club instead”

“That part!”
by CameronSF October 13, 2018
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Comes before Part B

Sounds like PARTAY
Charles : PART A
Charles : wtf is Part A
by Charless NG October 13, 2007
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A Northern Irish term for someone ginger and ugly. Usually applies to females or those whose gender is not easy to work out.
Ha! I can't believe you got with that rank ginger girl. I was a little bit sick and I only saw her in my peripheral vision. She makes a squashed seahorse look delightful. What a parte.
by spider31 December 24, 2010
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A way of saying that you do not want anything to do with something.
"Yo let's go to the club tonight." "Sorry, I want no parts."
by keviwill January 26, 2017
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