Hitler's are mysterious people you can have a love or hate relationship with them. They act like there care but also don’t. Hitler's are also very loyal, loving, supportive and understanding. Don’t hurt Hiyler's feelings or he will be the only thing on your mind. If u happen to come across a Hitler hold onto them love and appreciate every moment with them.
I love Hitler, he's so cute
by Qgdvsjswv November 24, 2021
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Person 1: You dude, I heard Hitler be spitting mad bars
Person 2: That's Kanye you idiot
by Big Papa 69 April 24, 2023
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Unit of energy, defined as the energy content of six million bodies, equal to about two terajoules.

Hence, one Hitler: 342300 J * 6 * 10^6 = 2.054 TJ
The bomb dropped on Hiroshima released well over two dozen Hitlers' worth of energy.
by theonlyhachi December 1, 2018
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(Noun) The state in which one is dead and all the mourners comment on how heaven gained another angel, but the deceased is actually in Hell telling Hitler what Tentacle Hentai is.

(Verb)The act of reminding an old person when they complain about your generation that they had much more wrong with them that they don't remember due to Alziemers.
Mom(Crying): Heaven has another angel.
'Me in Hell explaining Hentai to Hitler.'

"So this boomer was bitching about social media, so in response, I started explaining Hentai to Hitler."
by QueenObama2 December 2, 2021
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When you threaten to commit the second Holocaust to a certain minority.
“I fucking hate these niggers all they do is camp they probably aren’t ready when I Happy Hitler them”
by Sawyer is a whitescarver April 8, 2021
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When a person(s) think they are hitler and they try to commit suicide like hitler to prove their point
by Kellands August 31, 2023
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Gery's obsession with Wars and theories is something that he feels he s always right about. No matter what you say he is just the smartest man to mankind and, Orion is a spoiled rich boy
Gery knows everything about Hitler and Orion is a spoiled rich boy. This is Hitler Syndrome
by Gery and David Fan-fic November 29, 2017
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