Chavs are the scum of the earth, the lowest social class. They are a bunch of immature anti-social twats who have nothing better to do than try and appear hard using the following methods:

*Wearing big thick (fake) gold chains around their necks, usually out side of their shirt.
*Burberry.. enough said
*Wearing hoodies and caps so that people and (more importantly) security cameras cannot see their ugly faces.
*They vandalize and graffiti walls and cars.
*They start fights on anyone different to them, but only if they are in a large group, a lone chav will always back down and run off to get his big brother if he finds himself confronted 1 on 1.
*They sit on street corners smoking and drinking cheap cider and shouting at people and smashing beer bottles on the pavement (if they were able to steal their dads Stella).
*They are so stupid that the stereotype anyone who hates them as an emo, chavs have a blind hatred for emos because of the way they dress. This is because chavs are to fucking retarded to figure out that people dont hate them for what they wear, while they do look ridiculous, chavs are mainly hated for being thugs and vandals rather than what they wear. Unlike chavs, emos dont do anything wrong but chavs just like to make themselves feel as if they are superior to someone. Chavs also hate rockers/moshers but dont start fights with them because they would get the shit kicked out of them.


They buy a shitty car and spend loads of money modifying it to the point that they could have just bought a decent car for the same money.
Common chav cars include: Fiesta,Escort, Corsa,Nova,106,306,AX,Saxo.
Common modifications to cars include:
Rear lexus lights, big exhausts, spoilers, body kits, big alloys and the essential:
STEREO/SPEAKER SYSTEM, this usual consists of a cheap CD player, 2 6x9 speakers (4 if they managed to rob enough money from Spar) and a crappy sub that blasts out distorted drum nd bass beats as they drive past. (if you can hear it over the horrible noise from their massive exhaust).

*Dumb ugly bitches who get pregnant before they even reach 16. They will raise a baby at about 17 and as a result the baby will become another chav contributing noting to society.
*They think they can get away with anything because they use their boyfriends as a threat to boss people around even tho their boyfriend is some pussy chav who isn't going to do shit.

Chavs in society:

*Chavs are frowned upon by every other social group, and they are the only social group to hate other social groups because they are to thick to understand why they are hated.
*Female chavs are always getting pregnant and neglecting their children resulting in the spreading of the chav population.
*Chavs are the most hated group of people in Europe.

Chavs and the law:

*Killing chavs is not against the law because scientists have discovered that a chavs IQ is to low for it to be a living being.
*Fortunately this does not stop police from putting ASBOs on them and even sending their asses to prison.

Chav status:
A chavs status in the group depends on the following factors:

How many ASBOs they have had
How many emos they have beaten up
How many older brothers they have
Bonus points if their older brothers are in the army
How old their older brothers are
How many times hey have gotten their 14 year old girlfriend pregnant.
How much money they have spent on modifying their car
How loud their car stereo is (reguardless of the horrible distortion)
How many different kinds of drugs they have done, higher points for higher class drugs.

You have to smoke
You have to have a shit car
You need to have beaten someone up or had ur brother beat someone up.
You need "bling"
A taste for hip-hop and hardcore is a must.
You have to wear hoodies and baseball caps, burberry
material is preferred
You have to hate emos
chav:"Oi what u lookin at u fockin mosher?!!"


chav:"yeh thats it, jog on u fockin prik"

*mosher goes to confront chav*
*chav runs to get big brother*
by AaronBenedetti April 21, 2008
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A chav is somebody who seems to think they are the most "hard" person in the world, They seem to pick on small children, animals and elderly people.
If you wish to see more definitions for chav, dickhead, arsehole and twat may be useful.
A chav (male) check list:
Sickeningly angled baseball cap,
Trackie bottoms which are either too big or too small, Tastefully tucked into 3 year old football socks.
Tons of "bling" (fake/cheap/plastic gold often from argos) placed in every place possible.
Gawdy trainers, often Nike or Addidas
Climbing boots, often Rockports or Timberlands.
Burberry patterns in any place possible.
Hair to imitate hedgehog.
A crappy "customised" old car, Complete with huge stereo system and neon lights.

A chavette (female) checklist:
Make-up applied with a shovel, Foundation often giving the "satsuma" effect.
Tackily coloured tracksuit bottoms (baby pink/blue)
A skirt so short it is more a belt.
Gold ear-rings large enough to train dolphins with,
Gawdy trainers, often Nike or Addidas, In "matching" baby pink/blue colours.
Climbing boots, often Rockports or Timberlands.
Hair in Croyden facelift (so tight it stretches the face)
A gold clown necklace hanging from their neck, Possibly to represent themselves.
A pram. At least 3 children must be theirs.

Both gender of chavs MUST:
Chain smoke,
Drink cheap alchohol,
Think everyone in the world is "starting" on them,
Spit regularly,
Eat tons of Netto food and junk food,
A "top of the range" mobile, Complete with music,
Have trouble speaking regular english, Tend to speak a language only other chavs understand and have "innit" and "yer mum" in every other sentence,
A very low IQ oftwen in the negative numbers,
Listen to only R'n'B, Rap, and computer remixes which ruin normal songs,
Chew gum constantly,
Hate anybody in this world who isn't a chav.

Yes these people are truly wastes of skin.
My theory?
Kill everyone of them:
Either by simple murder or by making them listen to normal music as their brain would implode.
by Chav-Burner December 31, 2008
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Lovers of all things cheap and tacky, the chav is the lowest form of life in British society. When not committing grand theft auto, assault and GBH they normally congregate in urban areas especially outside Co-Ops, McDonald's and beer gardens, as their youthful appearance and demeanour restricts them from entering public houses or purchasing alcohol.

Once they have reinforced their numbers, they will proceed to hand out both verbal and physical beatings to any passing unsuspecting and innocent member of the public.
Scientists have studied this behaviour and have estimated that such acts are performed in order to compensate for small genitalia.

Their normal mode of dress can include caps hoodies and cheap knock-off "trackies". Chavs have close relations with magpies as they love all things shiny or "bling".

Until driving age, chavs' mode of travel is by double-decker bus, where according to chav law, it is mandatory to sit upstairs on the back seat playing R n B, hip hop or "hardcore" dance music such as "niche" or "casolocos" very loudly from surprisingly expensive phones with MP3 player facilities. Chav law also states that they must be as loud and annoying as possible, and must bang on windows and make V signs to every passing vehicle.

Chavettes, or female chavs, are the primary scroungers of the species. Chav law dictates the production of children from as early an age as possible in order to gain wealth from the state. Normal citizens utilise contaceptives, however, the chav has been linked strongly with Catholicism whereby contraceptives are prohibited. Social scientists have yet to discover whether there is a deeper religious meaning to this or whether they are too stupid to use contraception when having sex purely for pleasure.
Ooo are you callin' a chav, ya dickead'?
by Stuart Meakin June 30, 2006
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Emerging British subculture which is quickly becoming an epidemic. Chavs can be found the length and breadth of the country, hanging around any junk food outlet, off licence or just hanging around the streets, where they pass the time by vandalising property, drinking cheap cider, shouting abuse at passers by and terrorising old people.

Appearance: Chavs have a strict dress code. Designer labels are everything, although knocked off/fake items are almost de-rigeur. Typically, the male chav will wear a Nickelson or Schott hooded top, baggy tracksuit trousers, white designer trainers, and a baseball cap by burberry or Nike. The female chav (chavette) will have peroxide blonde hair scrunched so tight into a pony tail with colourful scrunchies that her forehead stretches. She will wear a dark blue tracksuit with white stripes, an enormous puffa jacket, hoop earrings, and white trainers. Female chavs are forbidden from wearing socks, and all chavs must wear as much fake gold jewellery as they can fit on their bodies. Mobiles are an added status symbol, and when equipped, the chav must shout into it in the most anti-social way possible, using at least one expletive and the word "innit" per second. Every other word in between should be unrecognisable to non-chavs.

Cars: Typically the Vauxhall Nova, but could include Ford Escort/Orion, Vauxhall Astra, and for chavs with "bling", even a totally shagged 3 series BMW. Whatever the type of car, it must have a spoiler shaped plank of MDF nailed to the back, 20" alloy wheels which rub on the wheel arches over every bump, a badly fitted bodykit (extra points for being able to see EXACTLY where the car ends and bodykit starts), a lairy paint job with runs in it, exhaust pipes the size of the space shuttle's booster nozzles, and blue LED's on the washer jets. Neon undercar lighting is also desirable.

Attitude: The chav's attitude depends heavily on the number of mates backing him up. If he's on his own, he'll skulk along anonymously. In numbers, he'll challenge anyone to anything.
by Postman April 2, 2004
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a slag who is always pushing a buggy with screaming kids and she's swearing at them in a scrubby common accent, she will have a cigerette in her hand, she will have acne at 25, permed hair, herpes, will wear rings on every finger and a loads of cheap necklaces most common of these has a doll on it. they wear huge massive gold loop earing which they put their ankles behind when they are having sex so that their legs don't get tired.
see: chaz, slut, slapper
also try: townie, kev,
by Anonymous September 25, 2003
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trampy little fucks. they are little morons who think that just cos they have a few hard mates they are the bee's knee's personaly i want to organise 'chav hunting' wouldnt that be a bloody good sport ? jus get a few horses sum mates and a pack of dogs then chase em and laugh with glee as your dogs rip them appart. now that would be a bloody good sport !.

the chavetts are just poor hoes who think that by getting pregannt that are kool. well lets all laugh at them cos they are poor nd fuckin useless !
strawberry hill in london - it was a nice area but theres one road with pikey houses in it. not you see about 1000 lil turds roaming up nd down the street with their crappy lil peds thinking they are hard. im quite tempted to start a game outa my window called 'see who can hit the passing ped with a brick' a hit gets you 10 points.
by ross June 24, 2004
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the kind of scum that should come with an automatic kill switch fitted as standard upon birth
chav: oi you wazzup? yeah innit bruv
random person: *click*
by Talek December 11, 2004
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