A term used to expose the apparent fault or downfall of one's success, pride or dignity in a hilarious way; to be put down by one or more people.

See pawned, own3d and pawn3d
What's this? Your mom took your allowance money away as punishment to spend on her lingerie? You're owned!!
by Jose Gomez June 22, 2006
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To Own. To dominate, to defeat by a large margin.
NOTE: Only lonely virgin geek ass pricks use this term, and its other variations such as: own3d, 0wn3d, 0wned, etc.
A good way to tell if someone lacks a social life and is still a virgin is if they use this faggot ass word. Stupid nerd ass geeks.
"LMAOAMLAMOAML i just beat you for the 4th straight time in QUAKE, you got str8 OWNED!!!!"

"OMG i was in the chatroom and i OwNeD 2 girls with my funny jokes LMAOMALAMO! LMAOOOOOOO! OWNED!!!!!! OH FUCK!"
by Fat Cop June 13, 2006
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See Own.
You just got owned bitch.
by nocturnal January 24, 2003
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When a person gets accidentally hurt, laughed at, and all that jazz. It is now used more often, specially on youtube, many videos are up just by typing in OWNED. Owned is now a new word to use instead of Embarrassment, humiliation, etc...
Boy gives a note to his girlfriend to her locker BUT it was a wrong locker, turns out that the locker belongs to girl that likes him. (see, he doesn't have a clue of what his done)
Boy chit-chatting with his friends...
The crushin' girl walks towards him...
Girl: hey, thanks for the letter, ofcourse i will be you valentine.. (giggles while blushing)
Boy: what letter?
Girl: don't be silly, the heart shaped that you slipped into my locker...?!?
Boy: Oh that, can i have it please? (confusedd???)
Girl: okay here....
Girl gives him the note, still blushing.
Boy: hey babe, (he yells across the room) here is your note, happy valentines day.
Everyone looks at the crushin'girl saying OWNED.
"ooooooo she just got owned.."

-A man cheats on his girlfriend (setting- mall)
Woman: are you fucking cheating on me?
Man: absolutely not baby.
Woman: then what the hell is this? (holding underwear that she found in his pocket)
Man: baby thats yours..
Woman makes a big scene, telling him its not hers...
SLAP!! everyone gasp, while looking..

by KRONG-KRONG February 20, 2008
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Owned August 2nd, 2005:
Game: Halo 2
Gametype: Team Fiesta on Lockout.

I turn to Sniper tower to see a Rocket launched directly at my face. In an instinctive reaction I pull the trigger just as my sights pass over the Rocketeers face. HEADSHOT. I then proceed to sidestep the rocket and come away from the battle unscathed...That is owned.
My defintion speaks for itself.
by Tod Higgins August 14, 2005
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a verb means "to own"
It can be used in two meanings:
1. is Elite means to pwn, to kill some1
2. to have something that is yours.
<n00b> Hey Dude I own this car, don't touch it
<h4x0r> That car must be a n00b if a you ownd it
<n00b> wtf?
<h4x0r> haha n00b
by CMEX June 5, 2005
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