when a girl is blushing that means she is really into you and please please please dont break her heart deer
by sweetgirls😌💖 February 26, 2020
to have a sudden rush of blood to your face, as when you're excited, angry, embarrassed, defensive or perhaps in love.
by Sarah-neko April 30, 2003
by zippler hippler August 19, 2019
A physiologic reaction involving dilation of the blood vessels near the surface of the skin, causing a red color. Often caused by embarrassment or shame.
by Deep Grey June 4, 2006
Blush is a sudden rush of red on your face when you're excited,embarrassed,or ashamed,or when you see something cute
by Yaboi29292 June 20, 2019
by Tusharqueerqueen April 16, 2020
by Softgrudgemyass November 5, 2020