132 definitions by zach

Klib is one kick ass band and i love them.
by zach June 21, 2004
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a wrinkle on the anus caused by loose butthole from anal sex
damn so much anal sex gave me some anuswrinkle
by zach March 5, 2005
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to fuck a dog especially a female dog... up the ass... doggy style
its not cheating if u bitch fuck a dog... cuz its YOUR dog
by zach September 24, 2004
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1.One who fucks goats in the ass while licking his little sister's pussy
2.A guitar that is plugged into someone's anal opening
3.Salvador Caputa
"When I grow up, I wanna be a bubbleboner, mommy."
by zach May 27, 2004
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Short for Wind uppercut, ZACH CREATED it screw you larissa you copy!
The process up uppercutting with the element of wind enchanted into the move.
by zach December 22, 2003
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The cutest animal on the planet!walkplanitgrade, is about 27-40 inches long, has 40 teeth, has about 5 adorable rings on it's tail, and it's famous "bandit" mask. Has opposable thumbs and can grasp objects, did I mention they are the cutest animals on the planet? They can live anwhere from forested areas, to your own back yard! Their scientific name is "Procyon Lotor"
by zach February 17, 2004
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Stereotypical and racially prejudice term referring to people of African decent. Stems from the idea of these people having long, monkey like arms.
This is the first time a knuckle dragger has showed up at a party in this neighborhood.
by zach March 15, 2005
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