132 definitions by Zach

A town in New Jersey that is built and named after dirt whit very little hot girls.
by Zach April 7, 2003
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The cutest animal on the planet!walkplanitgrade, is about 27-40 inches long, has 40 teeth, has about 5 adorable rings on it's tail, and it's famous "bandit" mask. Has opposable thumbs and can grasp objects, did I mention they are the cutest animals on the planet? They can live anwhere from forested areas, to your own back yard! Their scientific name is "Procyon Lotor"
by Zach February 17, 2004
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1.A place were human children spend the first 18 years of their life

2.A place were children are forced to accept the dominant ideas of the day and a place were original ideas are thrown out

3. school= 1/3learning+1/3busy work ex. making valentine card holders in 2nd grade+1/6lunch+1/12not payingattention+1/12 field trips

4. a cool place were you meet most of your friends and have most of your childhood experiences
I am indfferent to going to school tomorow mom
by Zach February 25, 2005
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Stereotypical and racially prejudice term referring to people of African decent. Stems from the idea of these people having long, monkey like arms.
This is the first time a knuckle dragger has showed up at a party in this neighborhood.
by Zach March 15, 2005
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a moist-towelette-like device used for cleaning up ketchup/catsup
"Well, aren't you going to get your 409 or Awesome Sauce or whatever you're going to clean this up with? Maybe a moist shamoise?"
by Zach June 21, 2003
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Klib is one kick ass band and i love them.
by Zach June 21, 2004
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