39 definitions by q359
An very edgy slogan that environmentalists without any realistic solutions to offer (like hmm, more affordable electric cars?), and angry bicyclists who refuse to upgrade to a more modern (and adult) form of transportation, actually propose in earnest as a thing that society should or could do, as if it would not immediately make modern existence completely impossible, which they might realize if they even took 5 seconds to consider the ramifications of their asinine proposal.
"Cars pollute and drivers are big meanies to me on my bicycle, ban cars! It's not like this would make grocery shopping extremely difficult for most people, prevent anyone from ever traveling more than 50 miles away from their home, and also, I would have no goods or food at all, since literally everything I own was delivered by a truck! This is totally a reasonable solution, and not an adolescent overreaction at all! I'm so superior to you all for not owning a car, oh shit, I need a ride somewhere, better call up my friend who has a car/take an Uber!"
by q359 July 26, 2023
A bogus concept that claims to be a measure of intelligence, but in reality, is as problematic as using BMI as a measure of healthy weight. IQ tests have been demonstrated to be culturally biased (that is, they rely heavily on questions that presuppose knowledge of white, Western culture). In reality, intelligence isn't something people are born with varying amounts of, it's a muscle that people choose to exercise or not, and just about anyone (save for the PROFOUNDLY cognitively disabled) can be smart or stupid, depending on whether they choose to be observant of what's really going on around them, pay attention to detail, and learn from experiences both positive and negative, or just walk around the world like a dumbass with their head in the sand. There are many more stupid people in the world, because stupidity is the path of least resistance, being smart takes effort. Some people are better with numbers, memorizing patterns, spatial orientation, sure, but that isn't intelligence, those are just specific skills that people will naturally have varying degrees of. True intelligence or stupidity isn't something that's inborn, it's a choice to pay attention, make good decisions, and seek out helpful information, or not. The fact that so many high-IQ people are good at taking tests, but are complete and utter dumbasses in every other facet of life, should put to rest the idea that IQ means anything at all, but unfortunately, this very stupid myth still persists.
The fact that there are high-IQ people who advocate fascism, but my ex-girlfriend who is technically learning-disabled, and so bad with directions that she could get lost in a NYC street grid, volunteers her time passionately to help immigrants and low-income people, and taught herself Spanish, proves that IQ has jack-all to do with actual intelligence.
by q359 July 24, 2023
Larry Libertarian believes that workers have no rights, taxation is theft, racial discrimination should be legal, regulations that protect clean air and water should be rolled back, and everything else that a Republican believes...but he wants to legalize the marijuana, so all the 20-somethings think he's cool.
by q359 March 6, 2017
The idea that if you're discussing a viewpoint or theory that is highly contentious or controversial, if you make it seem like it is much too complex for the average person to understand, and only comprehensible to a select few, enlightened individuals in a secret smart-person club (such as yourself, of course), by using a lot of jargon and esoteric references that only other people in your very exclusive circle will get, then it will fool the general public into thinking that it must obviously be correct because it's "complicated", and discourage anyone from questioning it (and also, jerk yourself off for being so smart).
Note: This does NOT apply to fields that actually are just extremely difficult to understand and over most people's heads (rocket science, quantum physics, nuclear engineering, etc.). This is when you take something that really isn't all that complicated, and act like it is, to give it an air of legitimacy.
Note: This does NOT apply to fields that actually are just extremely difficult to understand and over most people's heads (rocket science, quantum physics, nuclear engineering, etc.). This is when you take something that really isn't all that complicated, and act like it is, to give it an air of legitimacy.
When radical communists discuss Marxist theory online, and go on about stuff like "praxis" and the finer points of Bolshevism vs. Trotskyism and other shit that nobody who isn't glued to a computer 24/7 has even heard of or gives a flying fuck about, they are engaging in obscurantism.
by q359 July 24, 2023
A dude who is usually the world's #4 or #5 chess player based on whatever the current standings are, and also, a major fucking dick with anger issues.
Hikaru Nakamura is so good at chess that he'll beat you playing the Bongcloud, and then punch you in the face.
by q359 July 25, 2023
Reddit is a discussion forum (NOT "social media"; they are two different things, and discussion forums predated social media by several decades) that COULD be a nice place to hold interesting conversations about any number of topics, if it were run by people who had a clue about how to maintain order, but since it is not, it is a playground for adolescent bullies and bitter male virgins, who quash dissenting views with mass downvotes even though the rules say that this is not what the downvote is for (but nobody listens, and the moderators don't enforce this), the worst kind of racists, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, and just general sociopaths that you will ever come across, power-tripping subreddit mods who think they're God because they run a tiny little corner of the Internet, and where the idiot that you're arguing with might literally be 14 (this is not even hyperbole; they actually let minors use the site, even places like /r/sex that minors should DEFINITELY not be posting in).
There's a subreddit called /r/Negareddit that supposedly calls out all of the rest of Reddit's horrid tendencies, but in reality it's not even much better or different, people in that sub engage in all the same old bullshit too.
Even subs pertaining to topics that you like and are interested in, are probably not worth participating in, because of the people there.
Honestly, the only good thing on Reddit is the very prolific amount of user-submitted porn.
There's a subreddit called /r/Negareddit that supposedly calls out all of the rest of Reddit's horrid tendencies, but in reality it's not even much better or different, people in that sub engage in all the same old bullshit too.
Even subs pertaining to topics that you like and are interested in, are probably not worth participating in, because of the people there.
Honestly, the only good thing on Reddit is the very prolific amount of user-submitted porn.
Go to Reddit if you want to be called an asshole in 67,735 different ways within an hour no matter what you say, observe some of the worst specimens that humanity has to offer, and have your very character called into question by people who have never felt the touch of a woman, but if you actually want to have a mature, logical discussion about anything, you're going to have a bad time.
by q359 July 24, 2023
A completely idiotic, 100% crock-of-shit psychological movement that caters to emotionally-stunted, entitled adult children who can't do basic life errands without having an animal buddy by their side at all times, and disingenuous shitbirds who like to co-opt the language of disability to abuse loopholes in order to have pets where pets are not allowed.
What do you mean, I can't bring a fully-grown adult crocodile on an airplane? It's my emotional support animal, you're being ableist!
by q359 July 24, 2023