192 definitions by jpg3

A meal with a baketater, yummy.
by jpg3 November 14, 2011
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When someone can use their toes to pick things up or pinch you they have monkeytoes.
She used her monkeytoes to masturbate her lover to orgasm.
by jpg3 July 23, 2011
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Like the bomber plane named Enola Gay used to transport an atom bomb that killed thousands, this individual in power helped bring the ebola virus to america.
People started pointing fingers at the ebola gay after america became infected.
by jpg3 October 11, 2014
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Inserting a thumb into someones anus while also putting the middle finger of the same hand into their vagina thereby resulting in being able to lift the person up and carrying them around like a sixpack.
Boozer the beer lover was thirsty for a brewski while fingering a horny honey but didn't want to ruin the mood so used the sixpack butt attack technique on her and went to the kitchen to got a cold one.
by jpg3 October 23, 2011
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A person that resorts to using real money so as to buy their way thru an online game in this way they can purchase better tools, weaponry, XP, etc. thus gaining an unfair advantage over other players who are earning progress by actually playing the game.
While playing Band of Heroes on facebook, a player posted the comment, " WTF, I been working hard at this game for six months getting no where and that other dude started last week and is in the top ten already ?" To which another player replies, "Yeah, thats a credit card player, a loser that wins, LOL"
by jpg3 August 16, 2010
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Individuals whom do things, ie; work, chores, charity, etc. yet receive nothing in return.
Some people expect to get what they want and do nothing to earn it while others do everythin', get nothin'.
by jpg3 September 7, 2014
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Yep I'd bite dat ass, it be hineylicious.
by jpg3 November 3, 2012
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