225 definitions by iRiShREPUblicANarmY

radio term

ha ha (laughter)

"hi hi" is the Morse equivalent of a laugh as in Morse it sounds like someone chuckling ("hehhehhehheh hehheh"). That is ditditditdit dit dit --- or dot dot dot dot dot dot. You really have to listen to it sent in Morse to appreciate its laugh like sound. It is most commonly used in CW (Morse Code), but has carried over to voice as well. Many CW expressions have carried over to voice -- such as 73 (Best Regards) and 88 (love and Kisses), etc. The origin probably dates back before radio to the telegraph days. And since Hams used Morse long before voice became practical-- the sound of the Morse characters HI HI was used to resemble a laugh sound. In some sense it is equivalent of a smiley. It's onomatopoeic -- that is the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss) The definitive answer might be found in the "Dodge's The Telegraph Instructor Manual" circa 1850 to 1900. However, I have never been able to find a copy of this document. Wish I could as it would help to see the transitions from telegraph to radio usage.
hi hi om 73 de w2hht
by iRiShREPUblicANarmY January 1, 2004
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The place to be in northern virginia.

Pretty much the classic italian pizza place. Complete with nice italian dudes making some nice pizza and great calzones.

and yes, they are really italian, enuf said..
I went to Tony's New York Pizza and ate 7 slices of pizza, it was yummy.
by iRiShREPUblicANarmY November 15, 2003
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Standards Of Learning. The Virginiastandardized test.
by iRiShREPUblicANarmY May 19, 2004
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Slavic people living in southern European Russia and Ukraine and adjacent parts of Asia and noted for their horsemanship and militarykill; they formed an elite cavalry corps in czarist Russia
I was bored while doing AP History packets.
by iRiShREPUblicANarmY December 29, 2004
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To find calibre the (caliber) of; correlate readings of (instrument etc) with a standard or commonly accepted value.
I calibrated my HF reciever with the 10.0000 MHz WWV/WWVB frequency standard.
by iRiShREPUblicANarmY December 26, 2003
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