Someone who refuses to play by the rules. he/she isn't scared to cross the line of conformity. but their unorthodox tactics get results!
by dan and ben November 22, 2003
Someone who doesn't follow others, they take their own path. If everybody chooses to go to the left, a maverick would go right.
An independent person who is smart- yet quite mysterious.
An independent person who is smart- yet quite mysterious.
by 2338peace July 23, 2017
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1. Originally used by ranchers to signify an unbranded cow, mavericks were cattle/a cow that never ran with the pack.
See synonym at loner.
2. In common parlance in the western world to mean one who seems to 'float' between many friend circles, always bored or never satisfied by one clique.
3. Someone who doesn't follow.
See synonym at leader.
See synonym at loner.
2. In common parlance in the western world to mean one who seems to 'float' between many friend circles, always bored or never satisfied by one clique.
3. Someone who doesn't follow.
See synonym at leader.
Guy 1: "Would you look at him? He has so many friends, and never seems to be around any of them"
Girl 1: "Yeah, he's kind of weird..."
Guy 2: "He's just a maverick"
Girl 1: "Yeah, he's kind of weird..."
Guy 2: "He's just a maverick"
by thelastmaverick September 30, 2006
Maverick the most amazing man walking this earth. Someone who is constantly patient and always has a smile to give. If you are lucky enough to have a Maverick in your life never let him go. He is smart and handsome and always thinking of you. He will always put you first not to mention he is a sex god. He's immediately your best friend and will treat you like a queen in such away only a true King could.
Maverick my king.
by WisdomWriter68 March 15, 2017
by Lloyd Bridges October 14, 2005
Maverick is his own man, non follow in his footsteps because of fear and non could live up to it - Maverick is the one true source of individuality and wonder - his true identity is hidden but he resides as a student at Shenton College.
by Maverick January 21, 2005