20 definitions by foltor

adj. like Tolkien, i.e. fantastic, epic, melodramatic, and or verbose
I prefer Alexander to Lewis; he's not as Tolkienian.

Don't get Sarah started on her character unless you're in the mood for a half-hour Tolkienian monologue.
by foltor August 8, 2005
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1. hero in Irish myth who helped Finn MacCuil rescue his companions from the underworld

2. an awesome tracker or navigator
All those guys in Search and Rescue are total foltors!
by foltor August 8, 2005
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an object with buttons, esp. a handheld device like a remote control or cordless phone
This show sucks. Pass me the buttons.
by foltor August 8, 2005
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a big, friendly guy

(after the sun god from D&D)
That's too bad about Andre the Giant. He was a total pelor.
by foltor August 8, 2005
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any particularly nasty sports/energy drink, esp. one of a manifestly unnatural color
I'm so dehydrated I could choke down some troll piss.
by foltor August 8, 2005
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1. the giant in The Princess Bride (played by Andre the Giant)

2. a big, strong guy that could probably crush your ribcage with one hand if he wanted to, but is really sweet and harmless
Don't worry about Mark, he's just a big fezzik.
by foltor August 8, 2005
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