48 definitions by euphemismo

a cloudburst of bad judgment, usually by someone well-known.
The epic clownburst of 2009 had to be Tiger Woods' infidelity which looks like it will cost him his marriage and about $100 mil in yearly endorsements.

But there were other clownbursts of note in 2009, like Governor Mark Sanford hiking the Applachian Trail down in South America, and the Balloon Boy parents trying to gain fame by faking their son's disappearance.
by euphemismo January 4, 2010
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The opposite of contraception, i.e. an unwanted pregnancy caused by a dishonest partner.
1. Shit! Dick said he was clipped, but now I'm pregnant. What contra-deception!
2. That bitch Jane said she was on the pill, but now she's prego. Contra-deception at its worst!
by euphemismo February 28, 2019
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A religious fanatic who believes the world is about to end in armageddon.
Q. What's with that guy dragging the cross around?
A. He's an armadildo who says the world is ending this weekend.
by euphemismo October 29, 2011
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Displaying a face-covering for show, while not actually helping prevent the spread of Covid-19.
There’s Trump going off on his maskiness again, hanging it from his ear.
by euphemismo October 23, 2020
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A lying pile of shit

The word is formed from the name William "Barr," infamous Attorney General who lied to Congress, and "stool," a medical term for shit.
Trump got his personal barr stool, when William Barr became Attorney General.
The Barr Stool in Chief said, "Mexico will pay for the wall."
by euphemismo May 3, 2019
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INSURANCE Revenue Service. Congress' new health insurance plan that will make you buy health insurance from the people you hate.
Bud: we got a new IRS with lots more government.

Buddy: WTF??

booty whoreprouncle samcongressmansenatorcorruptionlobbyist
by euphemismo December 22, 2009
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Just one person doing something that needs many people to help with.

OFG = one fucking guy
So our Congress sucks. I'm just one fucking guy, do you think I can do anything about it?

So Congress is being bribed left and right by corporations. Our democracy is disappearing, but I'm just one fucking guy. Do you think I can do anything about it?

I'm just OFG, that's not going to go far with the fucked up mess we have in Congress.

Congress passed the Affordable Care Act. It created the new IRS where you have to buy insurance from the companies you hate. I'm just one fucking guy and can't stop this insanity without help.

The Affordable Care Act is bullshit. Congress says don't raise taxes, just make everything privatized so the people pay more. I'm just one fucking guy and can't stop this insanity without help.
by euphemismo November 26, 2010
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