48 definitions by euphemismo

A one-sided, Neanderthal individual who has wide public popularity and a forehead that slopes from front to back.
Man, I never thought Obama was a slanthead. But after seeing him cave in to the Republicans on tax cuts for billionaires, I'm noticing he's got lots of similarity to Sean Hannity.

There's a slanthead on Fox News who wants to "deliver us from evil" and give all of America to corporations. I think his name is Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity may be a slanthead, but boy does he rake in the money from the dopes in the Tea Party.
by euphemismo December 8, 2010
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Being a person who cannot be cleared to receive a permanent security clearance to receive classified government information.
Trump's son-in-law is unclearable because he has a billion dollars in debts and has tried to enrich himself by dealing with the Russian oligarchs, including an ambassador.

Trump is unclearable because he likes golden showers from Russian whores.
by euphemismo February 24, 2018
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Chicken Crap is what you get when you’re not allowed to say Chicken Shit
2011 Incoming Speaker of the House, John Boehner, used the words "Chicken Crap" instead of "Chicken Shit" to reporters in Congress because he didn’t want to use unacceptable slang.

Congress is full of Bull Shit, and they are a bunch of Chicken Shits. Excuse me, I meant to say, "Congress is full of Bull Crap, and they are a bunch of Chicken Craps."
by euphemismo December 5, 2010
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To completely fuck-up in your profession. A butt fumble (n) or to butt fumble (v).
Example 1: Did you see Mark Sanchez, the Jets quarterback, run into the ass of his own lineman and lose the football? That butt fumble has been voted the worst of the worst sports mistakes for two months straight now.

Example 2:
Surgeon A: “I can’t believe I amputated the wrong leg of that patient."
Surgeon B: “Man, you totally butt fumbled that operation. You're probably going to get your license suspended."
by euphemismo April 13, 2013
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A tubal ligation, i.e., the tying off of the fallopian tubes for contraception.
Jane said she'd had her tubes tied, but now she's pregnant. What a pisser!!!
by euphemismo February 28, 2019
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An event or series of events that cause a reasonable person to question how such wildly unusual things could ever happen. A mind "explosion." Having an overwhelming or confusingly large effect on the mind.
It just boggles the mind to look at the bum flash of Beyonce's ass in that thong.

Judge Sullivan: “It just boggles the mind that the State Department allowed this circumstance to arise in the first place,” in his opinion about Hillary Clinton's home brew email server.

It just boggles the mind how Donald Trump could advocate giving nuclear weapons to South Korea or claim that the Judge Gonzalo Curiel is biased against him because of his last name.

It just boggles the mind that the two candidates for POTUS in 2016 are both deeply unpopular with reasonably well-informed voters.
by euphemismo September 6, 2016
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