687 definitions by dan

when a girl puts her lips and tongue on a males reproductive organ (penis) and sucks
Erica choked after giving me DOMESKI DOME!!!!!!
by dan March 18, 2005
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It's the same thing as the nod of acknowledgement. but instead of nodding, you point with your index finger.
rather than speaking, i gave john the point of acknowledgement.
by dan October 20, 2005
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when a gay male shaves his pubes into a pattern, can be anything, as long as its an identifiable pattern.
dude, your dad showed me his junk, he totally had a sabadouche.
by dan November 14, 2004
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When smoking marijuana in a pipe, bong, or vaporizer and you have finished the bowl you must empty the bowl and refill it with bud. This is referred to as a rebowl, or rebowlling. The term was originated in a vaporizer session between 7 high school students on April 20th 2005 (4/20, 420).
example a)
person 1: "This shit's not hitting anymore."
person 2: "It needs a rebowl, man."

example b)
"This bowl's done.... REBOWL!"
by dan April 20, 2005
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1. The host of Nickelodeon's game show Double Dare. Also has OCD.
2. Very obsessive compulsive individual or someone who might be a neat freak.
Mike rearranged all his DVD's in order of the year they were released. Why must he be so Marc Summers.
by dan September 19, 2004
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If your ho yuo probably got it.
That ho has gonaherpasyphalaids!
by dan December 25, 2003
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