687 definitions by dan

A small sweaty nerd who lives in england, who spends most of his free time at the computer and has never been laid
Stop being a Mintman and get a life
by dan September 28, 2003
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Same as ridiculous - only for a woman.
Honey, please stop with the babytalk. You're being ricuntulous.
by dan July 20, 2004
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Cheap liquor, kept close at hand near the bar rail
I can't afford a Jack&Coke, so you'd better make it rail.
by dan September 28, 2004
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Practically any food other than Asian and meat pie in Australia
Gyros are wog food, yet more Australians eat them than meat pies!
by dan September 24, 2003
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Extremely large; bigger than giant and enormous
I have a Ginormous Penis.
by dan March 9, 2002
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Someone who deserves to have a pool cue shoved up their ass and then waved around like a flag.
That guy at the pool hall, Brett, is a real assflag.
by dan September 24, 2003
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