687 definitions by dan

To slap someone around the face with an erect penis
To go up to someone and slap your penis against their face
by dan February 12, 2005
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Pornography of any kind... movies/mags/pics/ext.
-"what you doing when you get home"
-"watching Barred"
by dan November 10, 2004
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Stereotype of Greeks played by a stupid skip!
I hate when skips try to be wogs, they are just Con the Fruiterers and came in chains to Aussie!
by dan September 21, 2003
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what matt wilken does for fun on the weekends
Matt: Wanna go do sum dirty walrus's?
Dan: Go die in a fire.
by dan December 18, 2003
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Yet another "emo-era" pop/punk band with cliched and basic lyrics, elementary instrument skills and whiny and untalented vocals. they have a violinist, he doesn't make the band good or unique. spare yourself from this garbage.

for real music see:
A Perfect Circle
Velvet Revolver
While Yellowcard maybe popular, closer examination and comparisons of their lyrics, vocals, and instrumentals to that of bands such as Tool may shock you at how bad they really are.
by dan January 8, 2005
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One of those stupid little creature that go thwooop on south park
by dan November 6, 2003
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